Nitrogen Cycle What did the Nitrogen molecule call the nerdish Oxygen molecule? -An Oxymoron
What is Nitrogen? It is an element Can be found in many forms and is crucial for all life’s existence Proteins DNA (so it’s a good thing we have it)
Where can we find Nitrogen? Where is nitrogen most abundant? –In the atmosphere as N 2 gas –Makes up 78% of the atmosphere N 2 gas is useless to most living organisms
Losing or Gaining Nitrogen seems to be collecting in certain areas of our ecosystem (fertilizers)
Where did it come from? All the nitrogen on Earth has always been there. It has always been recycled in the nitrogen Cycle. Humans are now taking nitrogen from certain areas and moving it to a different reservoir in the cycle (This can lead to problems)
Eutrophication Nitrogen helps plants grow (sometimes too much!!!) Nitrogen can run off into lakes and streams with H 2 0 Excessive plant/bacteria growth can occur
Excessive bacteria or plant life can us up all the oxygen in the lake and suffocate other aquatic life
The 4 Steps 1.Nitrogen Fixation Atmosphere N 2 NH 4 2.Decay Dead organic things NH 4 3.Nitrification NH 4 useable nitrates (NO 2 -1 ) 4.Denitrofication nitrates (NO 2 -1 ) Atmosphere N 2
Nitrogen Fixation N 2 gas looks like Lot’s of energy to break bonds and transform N 2 into ammonia NH 4 –Lightning –Industry (600 C) –Bacteria These methods are able to take N 2 in the atmosphere and transform it into NH 4
Decay Living organisms die and their nitrogen gets converted into ammonia with the help of Bacteria NH 4
Nitrification Nitrifying Bacteria in the soil convert ammonia to more usable nitrates (NO 2 -1 ) NH 4 NO 2
Denitrification Ultimately nitrogen must be replaced in the atmosphere Denitrifying bacteria are able to break down