Nitrogen (N] By: Jhovana Orozco 3 rd Pd
Nitrogen(N] Colorless nitrogen gas makes up 78% of the atmosphere, but here we see it in liquid form at - 196DegreeC. It is boiling off, creating a visible vapor--not of steam, but of water condensed from the surrounding air.
The Nitrogen Cycle All life requires nitrogen-compounds, e.g., proteins and nucleic acids. Air, which is 79% nitrogen gas (N 2 ), is the major reservoir of nitrogen. But most organisms cannot use nitrogen in this form. Plants must secure their nitrogen in "fixed" form, i.e., incorporated in compounds such as: nitrate ions (NO 3 − ) ammonia (NH 3 ) urea (NH 2 ) 2 CO Animals secure their nitrogen (and all other) compounds from plants (or animals that have fed on plants).
Information About Nitrogen nitrogen is a Group 15 element. Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the atmosphere by volume but the atmosphere of Mars contains less than 3% nitrogen. The element seemed so inert that Lavoisier named it azote, meaning "without life". However, its compounds are vital components of foods, fertilizers, and explosives. Nitrogen gas is colourless, odourless, and generally inert. As a liquid it is also colourless and odourless.
10 Facts Of Nitrogen 1.Nitrogen is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. 2. Nitrogen gas (N 2 ) makes up 78.1% of the volume of the Earth's air. 3.Nitrogen is a nonmetal 4.Nitrogen gas is relatively inert, but soil bacteria can 'fix' nitrogen into a form that plants and animals can use to make amino acids and proteins. 5. The French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier named nitrogen azote, meaning without life. 6.