CHAIN WP5 Meeting, Taipei 22 March 2011 Federico Ruggieri – INFN
WP5 - Dissemination and Outreach (WP5). The WP will deploy a large activity of dissemination focused on different targets: stakeholders and policy makers (high-level conferences, brochures, contacts DB), scientists and technical people (thematic workshops, dedicated web tools, contacts DB), industry (specific meetings, memoranda and web tools) and general public (web platform and press releases). Specific Actions: organisation of thematic workshops (two per year) , with real intercontinental participation, on topics of large scientific and/or social impact that are, or could be, better addressed by the adoption of e-Infrastructures and, at the same time, promote the stability of existing and emerging e-Infrastructures and gathering of feedbacks by means of a limited (one per year) number of high-level conferences.
T5.1 - Involvement of scientific & technical communities Enlarge and train scientific and technical communities to promote the usage of e-Infrastructures also in cooperation with other projects (e.g. EPIKH, EGI, EUMEDGRID-Support, EUIndiaGrid2, etc.). Web platform to attract new communities (see later) Thematic workshops: OGF31 – Taipei 23 March 2011 - “eInfrastructures interoperability across EU and Asia” EGI-UF – Vilnius 11-14 April 2011 - “VRCs meet eInfrastructure providers” ICTP – Trieste 16-20 May 2011 - “Role of eInfrastructures for Climate Change Research” Cooperation with other projects (e.g. EPIKH, EGI, EUMEDGRID- Support, EUInduaGrid2, etc.), on advanced knowledge dissemination events on application porting: Africa Event in Rabat – Morocco June 2011
Web site: New technology based: Liferay Set-up in cooperation with CIEMAT. Managed by: Rita Ricceri (INFN) – General & WP5 specific Stefano Troiani (CIEMAT) – General & WP3 specific WP2 & WP4 persons with admin rigths to be nominated.
Events Table Modified (Table 1 – pg. 19 Part B of the DoW) Type Venue/Region Theme Proposed time W1 Thematic Workshop Asia ISGC2011/OGF31 Grid Inreoperability across EU and Asia M04 W2 Europe (Latin America) VRCs meet eInfrastructures Role of eInfrastructures for Climate Change (Bio-Medical & Health) M05 M06 (M08) E1 High-Level Conference Mediterranean (Jordan ?) eInfrastructures for Research and Education Research Infrastructures M12 W3 Mediterranean/ Africa Earth Sciences & Environment M16 W4 Computational Science M20 E2 A World of Globalised Science M24
Workshop at OGF 31 – 23 March “e-Infrastructures Interoperation and Interoperability across Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region” Introduction: A.Masoni - EU-IndiaGrid2 Project Manager F. Ruggieri – CHAIN Project Manager Network interoperation: R. Hughes-Jones (DANTE) the TEIN3 Project Interoperability solutions in India: M. Verlato, EU-IndiaGrid2 Project Interoperability solutions in China: G. Andronico, EUCHINAGrid Project Contributions from other Asia Pacific Countries Middleware interoperation & interoperability Steven Newhouse Morris Riedel Julich Supercomputing centre, Grid Interoperation Now Community Group A. Papaspyro, Initiative for Globus in Europe (IGE) Conclusions: F. Ruggieri, Alberto Masoni
EGI User Forum – Vilnius April Session A: (90 mn: 4 presentations + 20 mn discussion) Biology VRC: WeNMR (A. Bonvin) and HealthGrid (Y. Legré): 30 mn Geosciences (M. Petitdidier): 20 mn Digital Cultural Heritage VRC – DC-NET & INDICATE projects (A. Fresa): 20 mn Session B: (90 mn: 3 * 20 mn presentations + 30 mn discussion) EGI to present its VRC coordinating role with the Resource Infrastructure Providers (as discussed in the Amsterdam meeting) GISELA to present its VRC framework for LA (e.g. Dissemination, customized Training, new Services,..) CHAIN to present its VRC framework for the RIPs it represents (EUMEDGRID, EUIndiaGrid2,...)
Events in 2011 Date Organised by Status 13-14 January 2011 DC-NET Done Description and location Organised by Status 13-14 January 2011 DC-NET Concertation Seminar - Tallinn (Estonia) DC-NET Done 27 January 2011 EPIKH Workshop in Tunis EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support/CHAIN Cancelled 18 February 2011 Workshop EPIKH (India) EPIKH / EU-IndiaGrid2 21-25 March 2011 OGF31 Taiwan OGF NOW 11-14 April 2011 EGI User Forum – Vilnius EGI / CHAIN/GISELA Organised 16-20 May 2011 Workshop on eInfrastructres for Climate Change in ICTP Trieste EUMEDGRID-Support & EUIndiaGrid2 & CHAIN 4-6 May 2011 IST-Africa , Gabarone, Botswana IST-Africa ???? 27 May 2011 EPIKH Workshop , Beijing China EPIKH / CHAIN June-July 2011 Workshops on eInfrastructures to support Scientific Applications in Lebanon "Universitè saint-Joseph" in Beirut EUMEDGRID-Support Org. Started 19-23 September 2011 EGI Autumn Technical Forum & EUMEDGRID-Support User Forum EGI / EUMEDGRID-Support TBD Oct./Nov. 2011 High Level Policy & EUMED 4 Event EUMEDGRID-Support, CHAIN, EPIKH, ASREN
T5.2 Solicitation of high-level policy awareness The task aims to: support the regional communities towards the governments, stakeholders and policy makers; get consensus and concertation on the relevant aspects of the analysis of the issues and proposed solutions; promote the stability of existing and emerging e-Infrastructures and gathering of feedbacks A limited (one per year) number of high-level conferences will be organised in order to raise the interest of funding bodies, governments, stakeholders and policy makers. The project will exploit the collaboration with other project, organisations, committees and initiatives (e.g. EGI, PRACE, EUMEDGRID-Support, EU-IndiaGrid2, e-IRG, ESFRI, e-IRG, etc.)
First High Level Policy Event November/December 2011 co- organised with EUMEDGRID-Support, ASREN ?, EUMECONNECT3 ?, GEANT ? Date and Venue to be agreed: December 2011 – Jordan ??? High level of attention now on the South Mediterranean and Middle East A wind of change is blowing on the area, this may slow down some activities, but also open new opportunities Need involvement of partners at Policy level.
Task 5.3 Dissemination and outreach. This task will perform the following activities: Dissemination of results and advanced knowledge related to e-Infrastructures and gathering of feedbacks in cooperation with EPIKH, and other projects. Dissemination towards stakeholders: dedicated brochures to stimulate the political support to e-Infrastructures initiatives in Europe and in the other regions. Organise the production and distribution of dissemination materials Create and maintain a contacts database. Cooperation with other projects such as EGI-INspire, EMI, GISELA, WeNMR, INDICATE, DECIDE, INSPIRE and ERINA+ establishing Memoranda of Understanding describing the common activities. Disseminate the results also via presentations in the events organised by other projects and regularly invite other relevant projects to contribute to CHAIN’s Thematic Workshops and High-Level Conferences.
MoUs with other Projects Signed Prepared In the pipeline WRF4G WeNMR INDICATE
Africa Regional Operation Centre
Deliverables & Milestones Del. no. Deliverable name Lead bene- ficiary Delivery date (PM) D5.1 Collaborative tools and CHAIN Web platform INFN 2 Delayed of 40 days D5.2 Analysis of the outcomes of the first year workshops. 12 D5.3 Analysis of the outcomes of the second year workshops. 23 Milestone no. Milestone name Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I Comments (Means of verification) M5.1 Web portal – first static version INFN PM2 Web site accessible M5.2 First thematic workshop PM4 Press release M5.3 First high level conference PM12 M5.4 Final high-level conference PM24
Conclusions & plans New material needed in the web site Produce a Video on the results of the Questionnaire Start the organisation of the High Level Policy Event; partners should provide: contacts of persons for dissemination in the respective areas, promote the event on their web sites, suggest speakers. Probably we’ll organise an higher number of WS during the first year. New tools can be implemented in the web site, please suggest your favourite ones.