History of Microbiology
Famous Dead People in the Field of Microbes w 1665 Robert Hooke “little boxes” - “cells” Cell Theory - all living things are made up of cells No portraits of this famous man exist today – ask why?
Antony van Leeuwenhoek st person to actually see living microorganisms – named bacteria and protozoa “wee animalcules – or beasties”
Spontaneous Generation w Theory that life just “spontaneously” developed from non-living matter w Example: toads, snakes and mice - moist soil flies and maggots - manure and decaying flesh
Experiments to disprove Spontaneous Generation w Francesco Redi 1668 w Rudolph Virchow 1858 Theory of Biogenesis Cells can only arise from preexisting cells w Louis Pasteur 1861
Pasteur designed special “swan-necked flasks” with a boiled meat infusion Developed the Rabies vaccine Supported germ theory of disease
Germ Theory of Disease w Hard for people to believe that diseases were caused by tiny invisible “wee animalcules” w Diseases, they thought, were caused by: demons witchcraft bad luck the wrath of God curses evil spirits
w 1860s: Joseph Lister used a chemical disinfectant to prevent surgical wound infections after looking at Pasteur’s work showing microbes are in the air, can spoil food, and cause animal diseases. w 1876: Robert Koch provided proof that a bacterium causes anthrax and provided the experimental steps, Koch’s postulates, used to prove that a specific microbe causes a specific disease. The Germ Theory of Disease
Koch’s Postulates w 1. The same organisms must be found in all cases of a given disease. w 2. The organism must be isolated and grown in pure culture. w 3. The isolated organism must reproduce the same disease when inoculated into a healthy susceptible animal. w 4. The original organism must again be isolated from the experimentally infected animal.
Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates 1. Some organisms have never been grown in pure culture on artificial media Treponema pallidum - Syphilis
Mycobacterium leprae Leprosy Never been grown in pure culture on artificial media Abdominal cavity of the Seven Banded Armadillo Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates
w In exclusively human diseases, it is not morally acceptable to inoculate a deadly pathogen into a “human guinea pig”
Koch established the Microbial Etiology of 3 important diseases of his day w 1. Cholera (fecal-oral disease) Vibrio cholerae w 2. Tuberculosis (pulmonary infection) Mycobacterium tuberculosis w 3. Anthrax (sheep and cattle) Bacillus anthracis
Koch - 1st to use Agar to solidify culture media
Golden Age of Microbiology w Pasteur Pasteurization Fermentation w Joseph Lister Phenol to treat surgical wounds – 1 st attempt to control infections caused by microoganisms w Robert Koch Koch’s Postulates w Edward Jenner vaccination w Paul Erlich 1 st synthetic drug used to treat infections Salvarsan - arsenic based chemical to treat Syphilis “salvation” from Syphilis
Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates w In exclusively human diseases, it is not morally acceptable to inoculate a deadly pathogen into a “human guinea pig” such as with HIV.
Classification System 3 Domains 1978 Carl Woese 1. Bacteria Single celled organisms no nucleus 2. Archaea Odd bacteria that live in extreme environments 3. Eukarya Have a nucleus and organelles
Taxonomic Classification w Kingdom w Phylum w Class w Order w Family w Genus w species w Man w Animalia w Chordata w Mammalia w Primate w Hominidae w Homo w sapien
Taxonomic Classification w Kingdom w Phylum w Class w Order w Family w Genus w species w Cat w Animalia w Chordate w Mammalia w Carnivora w Felidae w Felis w domestica
Naming of Bacteria w Genus and species - Binomial System of Taxonomic Classification w Information usually given: 1. Describes an organism 2. Identifies a habitat 3. Honors a scientist or researcher
Binomial System of Taxonomic Classification w Use only the Genus and species w Homo sapien w Felis domestica w Escherichia coli w Genus and species are italicized w Genus is always capitilized w species is never capitilized
Bacterial Morphology Sometimes the shape is incorporated into the name w Bacilli ex. Bacillus anthracis w Cocci- Staphylococcus aureus w Spiral- Spirillum pleomorphum
Arrangements Sometime name comes from arrangement w Staphylo- cluster w Strepto- chain w Diplo- two w Sarcinae w Tetrad- four w Vibriocomma shaped w bacter bacilli w bacterium bacilli
Some Common Bacterium w Staphylococcus aureus w Staphylococcus epidermidis w Streptococcus pneumoniae w Vibrio cholerae w Rhodospirillium rubrum w Bacillus subtilis w Micrococcus luteus w Escherichia coli w Bacillus anthrasis w Salmonella enteridis w Streptococcus pyogenes w Steptococcus lactis w Streptococcus faecalis w Erlichia canis w Campylobacter jujuni w Helicobacter pylori w Enterobacter aerogenes