Packing the Printed Result GRA.SUP.009 Sumber buku : Mengemas hasil cetak Penyusun : Agus Nugroho Editor : Endro Santoso HS Technology And Engineering
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Learning Objectives : After learning of this study, it is expected that students are able to: 1.Identify packaging materials. 2.Identify packaging tools. 3.Execute a packaging 4.Pack the goods with plastic strap 5.Answering formative tests.
Teknologi dan Rekayasa The use of packing material or packing is related to packaging work. A wrapper or package is an equipment means to place, resemble an object or goods that make ways to bring, store and save easier. DISFINITION
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Packing materials type: ~ sheet ~ bag ~ boxes, from the smallest to largest,
TYPES OF PACKING MATERIAL 1.The Small Lightweight wrapper In this case the job is classified as light packing, for example: cover envelope or tablet capsule, powder envelope, cigarette box, the soap box and etc.
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 2.Medium Packing Can be categorized as capable to store medium or not too heavy products packing. They’re thin and strong, such as cardboard, wimble straw, cardboard thin wrinkle, a plastic or thick paper When the box is used to place a precious products, it should be provided with a better security
Teknologi dan Rekayasa AA kind of cork, Styrofoam, plastic, wood, foam rubber and spoon MMaterial from the fiber, the cloth remnants, fiber yarn, pieces of paper MMaterial from the snippet of thick cardboard, the material is shaped with zigzag cut TYPE OF SAFETY MATERIALS
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 3.Large packing or container Product packaging that contain heavy or large load and packed in a large container box. The main container material is a strong and thick cardboard, wood or iron sheeted wood, plastic or asphalt. The bundle adhesive material is steel plate sheet.
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Etiquette Etiquette is a printed sheet preferably in terms of promotion, advertisement, or introduction to a business printed material that always related to packing/wrapping process. Etiquette can also used as a product seal, that is when its damaged or torn, that means the product has been opened previously. ETIQUETTE AND LABEL
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Label A label can be called as a hanging card, commonly used in the warehouse, a company, or in a housing It used as an identity that bind to a product when shipping. It contain the product sender and receiver information
A folding box is a box that made from a cardboard or strobord box, consist of a same material but cut in strip size and stacked according to the box dimension The main part of making the box is the way to fold it. It can be done by hand (manual) or using a machine. Iron ruler and knife can be used to make the folding line FOLDING BOX AND STROBORD Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Folding line making steps: 1.Draw the box edge line on the cardboard 2.Place an iron ruler exactly on the box edge line, then carve the line with a knife 3.The carving is only a half thick of the cardboard, so the cardboard won’t be separated each. Making a Folding Line
Teknologi dan Rekayasa According to its function, a packing material can be divided into some category: A container pack Protective pack Outside pack Outer coat pack And other need that related to outer protection PACKING MATERIAL
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Materials used in accordance as a wrapped items can be categorized as follows: Materials used in accordance as a wrapped items can be categorized as follows: Material from the cartonMaterial plastic Material from the paper Special Cardboard chromolux Carton duplex Gray cardboard Cardboard skin Manila cardboard Cardboard multiplex Cardboard sheet Layer corrugation cardboard Acetate Astralon Sellofan Selluloid Polyethylin PVC soft and hard PVC floor Kurvet Blotter Carbon paper Paper bybel Tissue paper Paper adhesive layer Metallic paper NCR Paper Paper plumose Materials from the wood Metallic materialsOther materials Wood pelapis Multiplex timber Plywood Wood board Hardbord Presbord Tin plate; Pelat zinc Steel plate Aluminum plate Foli silver Foli tin Foli zinc Foli gold Material rubber adhesive Scrub cloth Textiles Stopple Asbestos Skin
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 1.Packing sheet printed product On few sheet printed product, it can be wrapped by using a waterproof casing paper with 100 to 210 gram paper weight. PACKING PRINTED PRODUCT
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Prepare the casing/paper pack according to the product size Adjust and neaten the printed product that wanted to be packed Place the paper case on the working table Put the printed product that already neaten in the middle of the paper case Plastic or casing packing steps
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Put a glue on the edge of the paper case Stick the paper case edge each other until its neat Fold the right and left paper case edge, and its done three times each.
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Then do the folding steps as doing the wrapping or packing process
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 2.Books product packaging In a few book shaped product, packaging can be done by using the paper package sheet. Pack the product using a thin plastic to prevent watery or humidity damage before packaging. If there are a lot of book shaped product, pack the product using a box/cardboard box
Teknologi dan Rekayasa Once the packaging is finished, the next job is to give the package an identity or a label on its surface. If the label is an empty label, we can manually fill the package information. The label normally identify its content, quantity, the product sender and recipient. SIGNING THE PACKAGE
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 1.Short raffia edge strap When a package is carried with a raffia strap, the strap will be easily loosen if there isn’t a short strap on its edge STRAP THE PACKAGE WITH RAFFIA
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 2.Four direction Intersecting strap Strapping a raffia in a four intersecting direction of the package STRAP THE PACKAGE WITH RAFFIA
Teknologi dan Rekayasa 3.Three or five direction Intersecting strap Benefit: The straps wont loose easily Reduce or prevent hurts/injury on hand Lighten the weight when carrying STRAP THE PACKAGE WITH RAFFIA
Teknologi dan Rekayasa In the raffia strap twist should be given a thick cloth or folded paper as a cushioning. The other way to make this is making more strap on the handle part STRAP THE PACKAGE WITH RAFFIA
Teknologi dan Rekayasa When the product has been package well and not distributed yet, it should be stored in a storehouse. When storing, keep the safety of the product to prevent damage from animal or even human. STORE THE PACKAGE