D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June IP C. Perry G. Christian Y. Kim D. Bett N. Blaskovic Kraljevic
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June The goal: IP feedback This trip – preliminary work Week 1 Use the FONT5 board to digitize signals from Honda-san’s electronics instrumented on IPA, IPB Week 2 Verify operation of the new IP kicker
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 1: Schematic Local Control Room (LCR) Final Focus Power Supply Room (FFPSR) IP Laser Room (IPLR) IPAIPB split IP-BPM signals to keep feeding the SLAC digitizers (currently a 1:1 split; plan to replace with a 1:9 split when Honda-san’s electronics are moved inside the tunnel) trigger signal (existing cable) trigger signal (borrowed 30 m cable) Honda-san’s electronics, FONT5 board (357 MHz digitizer) heliax from IPLR to IP
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 1: Results phase-lock the LO two bunch mode QD0FF mover scan
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 2 – add in IP kicker (IPK)
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 2: Schematic IPAIPBMFB1FF FONT extraction line region IPK existing MFB1FF Σ, ∆, LO cables FONT scope existing FONT cables TMD amp. amp. trigger, drive signals 3 x borrowed 30 m cable for monitoring kicker and amp.
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 2: IP-BPM results amplify LO level
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 2: IP-BPM results
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 2: IP-BPM results change the QD0FF current minimize the jitter at IPA change the QD0FF position observe the change in the position from EPICS and that from the FONT5 board BPM → QD current PREIPIPAIPBPIP values in μm
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Week 2: IPK results vary the magnitude of the kick ~10 μm kick possible while remaining in the linear region of the amplifier vary the amp. trigger time in the setup from shift, signals to amp. had to be sent by the FONT board ~600 ns before the signal from the bunch arrived at the board
D. BettATF Operations Meeting - 15 June Conclusions Multiple bunches easily resolved using Honda-san’s electronics on low-Q BPMs IP kicker provides ±10 μm kick at IP-BPMs Future plans –Move the IP feedback hardware to IP –New feedback algorithm(s) in firmware