EGYPT: LAND OF THE PYRAMIDS Chapter 2 Test Review.


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Presentation transcript:


Three geographic features that protected Egypt were:  Cataracts (water falls or rapids)  Nile delta  Deserts

THE NILE RIVER The Nile River flows from _________ to ______________. The annual flooding is called the _______________.

THE NILE RIVER The Nile River flows from SOUTH to ______________. The annual flooding is called the _______________.

THE NILE RIVER The Nile River flows from SOUTH to NORTH. The annual flooding is called the _______________.

THE NILE RIVER The Nile River flows from SOUTH to NORTH. The annual flooding is called the INUNDATION.

The Nile River Is the longest river in the world Over 4000 miles long

The 10 miles along the Nile River is called the “_____________. Rich _____ is deposited which causes this land to be very fertile. Because of Egypt’s ability to grow large amounts of grain and export it, it is called the “____________________.””

The 10 miles along the Nile River is called the “BLACK LAND.” Rich _____ is deposited which causes this land to be very fertile. Because of Egypt’s ability to grow large amounts of grain and export it, it is called the “____________________.””

The 10 miles along the Nile River is called the “BLACK LAND.” Rich SILT is deposited which causes this land to be very fertile. Because of Egypt’s ability to grow large amounts of grain and export it, it is called the “____________________.””

The 10 miles along the Nile River is called the “BLACK LAND.” Rich SILT is deposited which causes this land to be very fertile. Because of Egypt’s ability to grow large amounts of grain and export it, it is called the “BREADBASKET OF THE WORLD.”

The sun-baked desert beyond the “Black Land” is called the ____________.

The sun-baked desert beyond the “Black Land” is called the “RED LAND."

Cataracts are river rapids and water falls What are cataracts?

Since the Nile flows from South to North, this area in northern Egypt is called ______________

Since the Nile flows from South to North, this area in northern Egypt is called Lower Egypt.

Since the Nile flows from South to North, this area in northern Egypt is called Lower Egypt. This area in the south is called _______________.

Since the Nile flows from South to North, this area in northern Egypt is called Lower Egypt. This area in the south is called Upper Egypt.

What is the Nile delta? triangular area of fertile soil at the mouth of the river

What grows along the Nile and is used to make paper? papyrus


ROSETTA STONE found near Rosetta, Egypt made of basalt a king’s decree Decoded in ___________ Written in 2 languages 3 scripts ______________ (formal writing) ______________(simpler writing) ______________(common language) Importance: Egyptian hieroglyphs were cracked.

ROSETTA STONE found near Rosetta, Egypt made of basalt a king’s decree Decoded in 1822 Written in 2 languages 3 scripts ______________ (formal writing) ______________(simpler writing) ______________(common language) Importance: Egyptian hieroglyphs were cracked.

Decoded in 1822 Written in 2 languages 3 scripts HIEROGLYPHS (formal writing) ______________(simpler writing) ______________(common language) Importance: Egyptian hieroglyphs were cracked. ROSETTA STONE found near Rosetta, Egypt made of basalt a king’s decree

Decoded in 1822 Written in 2 languages 3 scripts HIEROGLYPHS (formal writing) DEMOTIC (simpler writing) ______________(common language) Importance: Egyptian hieroglyphs were cracked. ROSETTA STONE found near Rosetta, Egypt made of basalt a king’s decree

Decoded in 1822 Written in 2 languages 3 scripts HIEROGLYPHS (formal writing) DEMOTIC (simpler writing) GREEK (common language) Importance: Egyptian hieroglyphs were cracked. ROSETTA STONE found near Rosetta, Egypt made of basalt a king’s decree


What did Egyptians believe about their pharaohs? They were gods on earth (Horus) (sons of Amon-Re).

What were the symbols of the pharaohs and what were their titles?

SYMBOLS OF THE PHARAOH: Scarab beetle…..false beard Ankh……………..crook and flail (1) Eye of Horus……double crown Hawk/ falcon……………..vulture and cobra (2) Cartouche……….lotus flower

TITLES OF THE PHARAOH: Lord of Two Lands Horus, the Living Pharaoh Osiris, the Dead Pharaoh Living son of RE

What type of government did the Egyptians have after 3100BC? Dynasty

Over time, ancient Egypt would be ruled by ____ dynasties.

EGYPTIAN GODS AND GODESSES **possible paragraph topic Osiris was the first pharaoh of Egypt.

ISIS Osiris married Isis but his brother Seth became jealous. Seth chopped Osiris into 17 pieces and threw the body parts into the Nile.

The dead pharaoh becomes Osiris, the god of the underworld.

ANUBIS Isis was heart- broken. She gathered her husband’s body parts and took them to Anubis, the god of embalming, who put him back together again.

HORUS Osiris and Isis’ son, Horus, fought Seth in a battle. Although Horus lost his eye, he was still victorious.

Who was Amon Re? The Sun God

What was The Book of the Dead? A book that contained special prayers to help one into afterlife

nilometer What instrument is used to measure the level of the Nile?

The annual flooding of the Nile River is called... inundation

Forced payments to the pharaoh that include the resources of an area were called... tribute

Hieroglyphics The official Egyptian system of writing was called...

Men/boys who were trained in reading and writing were called... scribes

THE SPHINX It has the body of a lion (courage) the head of a man (knowledge) the face of Pharaoh Khafre

What are the achievements of each kingdom??? Ancient Egypt Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom

The Old Kingdom The Old Kingdom was also called the____________. ___________ built the pyramids which were made of limestone blocks which weighed up to two and a half tons each. Pyramids were replaced by tombs in the __________________________.

The Old Kingdom The Old Kingdom was also called the Pyramid Age. ___________ built the pyramids which were made of limestone blocks which weighed up to two and a half tons each. Pyramids were replaced by tombs in the __________________________.

The Old Kingdom The Old Kingdom was also called the Pyramid Age. Farmers built the pyramids which were made of limestone blocks which weighed up to two and a half tons. Pyramids were replaced by tombs in the __________________________.

The Old Kingdom The Old Kingdom was also called the Pyramid Age. Free men built the pyramids which were made of limestone blocks which weighed up to two and a half tons. Pyramids were replaced by tombs in the “Valley of the Kings.”

The Middle Kingdom Valley of the Kings replaced the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs. Tribute was sent to make Egypt wealthy. Chariot technology was gained from the Hyksos.

The New Kingdom was called the Age of Pharaohs. Narmer Khufu Hatshepsut Akhenaton Thutmose III Tutankhamen Ramses

He was also called Menes. He united Upper and Lower Egypt

The Great Pyramid in Giza was built for Khufu.

First female pharaoh Wore the false beard Greatest achievement was increasing Egyptian trade with other areas (no military conquests).

He expanded territory through military conquests. He made slavery common. He tried to destroyed Queen Hatshepsut’s statues, temples and other achievements.

Akhenaton He tried to change Egypt’s religion to monotheism

This couple was most noted for their belief in one god which is called ___________________. They worshipped the god _________. AKHENATON AND QUEEN NEFERTITI

This couple was most noted for their belief in one god which is called monotheism They worshipped the god _________.

AKHENATON AND QUEEN NEFERTITI This couple was most noted for their belief in one god which is called monotheism. They worshipped the god Aton.

KING TUTANKHAMEN A minor pharaoh Became king at age 10 and mysteriously died at 17 (murdered) His tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter

RAMSES THE GREAT Pharaoh during the time of Moses Ruled for 66 years Great warrior Built many temples including Abu Simbel


x Ramses II on his chariot

Who was Howard Carter? He discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings in 1922


Why did Egyptians use the shape of the pyramid for the tombs? 1. It refers to the myth of the creation of the world (Ben-Ben).

Why did Egyptians use the shape of the pyramid for the tombs? 2. It was a “stairway to the heavens” for the pharaoh.

Why did Egyptians use the shape of the pyramid for the tombs? 3. It represents the slant of the sun’s rays.