Diagnosis(Soybean )
Target legumes: Soybean(Belesa-95) Pawe Project sites (Woredas) :- Pawe BGRS - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities A. A. Project location ( Kebele ), Trial location (Farmers plot ) & Team 1.K2V5 2. K2V30, 3. K2V17 2.Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) 3.Team -Tesfaye Midega -Zewdneh Melke -#2 Woreda expert -#2 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3)
Work plan: Diagnosis Activity cluster – Pawe Actions: 1.Procurement of inputs (seeds, fertilizer, inoculant required) Seeds: 100kg fertilizer:60kg inoculants ; 0.3kg -Total Trial locations (Farmers Plots) = 30 (10 farmers per Kebele) -Variety = Belesa-95 -Treatment 4 (+P+R, +P-R, -P+R, -P-R) but NPS/DAP? -P rate= 100kg/ha (DAP) 2. Selection of trials locations (10 farmers /kebele) 3. Engagement of farmers for establishment of trials 4. Collecting of associated observations (soil, weather etc.) 5. Planting, managing, and harvesting the trials 6. Data collection 7. Reporting 8. Budget 9. MoU
Work plan Action Quantity WhenWho is responsible Pawe 1. Selection of Kebeles (K2V5 2. K2V30, 3. K2V17) 3 May 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 2. Selection of farmers (Trial locations, 10/Kebele) 30 May 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 3. Procurement of Input (calculate now!) -Seeds -Fertilizer (NPS?) -Inoculant 100 Kg 60 Kg 0.3 Kg June 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 4. Prepare budgets sending out to ILRI - April 21, Prepare research agreement (MoU) and sending out to partners for comment - April 28, 2014 Country coordinator + N2Africa Team 6. Trial establishment -Land preparation -Planting -Management (weeding…. -Harvesting -Farmers field days may 2014 June 2014 July-Sept, 2014 October, 2014 Sept, 2014 farmers Farmers and researchers 7. Data collection -Associated observations (soil, weather) -Plant growth, Nodulation and N fixation -Soil and plant analysis June -oct, 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 8. Reporting ( progress and Final) July and Dec, 2014Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke
Budget S.NoBudget categoryAmount(ETB) 1 Wage Stationery Input s(seed, fertilizer & inoculants) = Fuel and lubricants Perdium Car maintenance Soil and plant analysis Contingency(10%) Total
Diagnosis(Common bean)
Target legumes: Common Bean (Nasir) Project sites (Woredas) :- Mandura BGRS - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities A. A. Project location ( Kebele ), Trial location (Farmers plot ) & Team 1.Duwanzbaguna, Jigda and Gilgel zuria 2.Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) 3.Team -Tesfaye Midega -Zewdneh Melke -#2 Woreda expert -#2 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3)
Work plan: Diagnosis Activity cluster – Mandura Actions: 1.Procurement of inputs (seeds, fertilizer, inoculant required) Seeds: 100kg fertilizer:60kg inoculants ; 0.3kg -Total Trial locations (Farmers Plots) = 30 (10 farmers per Kebele) -Variety = Nasir -Treatment 4 (+P+R, +P-R, -P+R, -P-R) but NPS/DAP? -P rate= 100kg/ha (DAP) 2. Selection of trials locations (10 farmers /kebele) 3. Engagement of farmers for establishment of trials 4. Collecting of associated observations (soil, weather etc.) 5. Planting, managing, and harvesting the trials 6. Data collection 7. Reporting 8. Budget 9. MoU
Work plan Action Quantity WhenWho is responsible Pawe 1. Selection of Kebeles (Duwanzbaguna, Jigda and Gilgel zuria) 3 May 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 2. Selection of farmers (Trial locations, 10/Kebele) 30 May 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 3. Procurement of Input (calculate now!) -Seeds -Fertilizer (NPS?) -Inoculant 100 Kg 60 Kg 0.3 Kg June 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 4. Prepare budgets sending out to ILRI - April 21, Prepare research agreement (MoU) and sending out to partners for comment - April 28, 2014 Country coordinator + N2Africa Team 6. Trial establishment -Land preparation -Planting -Management (weeding…. -Harvesting -Farmers field days June 2014 July 2014 Aug-Sept, 2014 October, 2014 Sept, 2014 farmers Farmers and researchers 7. Data collection -Associated observations (soil, weather) -Plant growth, Nodulation and N fixation -Soil and plant analysis July -oct, 2014 Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke 8. Reporting ( progress and Final) July and Dec, 2014Tesfaye Midega Zewdneh Melke
Budget S.NoBudget categoryAmount(ETB) 1 Wage Stationery Input s(seed, fertilizer & inoculants) = Fuel and lubricants Perdium Car maintenance Soil and plant analysis Contingency(10%) Total
Demonstrations(Common bean)
Target legumes: common bean ( Nassir) Mandura Project sites (Woredas) :- Mandura BGRS - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Project location ( Kebele ), Trial location (Farmers plot ) & Team 1.Duwanzbaguna, Jigda and Gilgel zuria 2.Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) 3.Team -Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega -Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke -#3 Woreda expert -#3 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3)
Work plan: Demonstration Activity cluster – Mandura Actions: 1.Procurement of inputs (seeds, fertilizer, inoculant required) Seeds: 60kg fertilizer:40kg inoculants ; 0.2kg -Total Trial locations (Farmers Plots) = 30 (10 farmers per Kebele) -Variety = Nassir -Treatment 2(+P+R, -P-R) -P rate= 100kg/ha (DAP) 2. Selection of trials locations (10 farmers /kebele) 3. Engagement of farmers for establishment of trials 4. Collecting of associated observations (soil, weather etc.) 5. Planting, managing, and harvesting the trials 6. Data collection 7. Reporting 8. Budget 9. MoU
Work plan Action Quantity WhenWho is responsible Pawe 1. Selection of Kebeles (Duwanzbaguna, Jigda and Gilgel zuria ) 3 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 2. Selection of farmers (Trial locations, 10/Kebele) 30 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 3. Procurement of Input (calculate now!) -Seeds -Fertilizer -Inoculant 60 Kg 40 Kg 0.2 Kg June 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 4. Prepare budgets sending out to ILRI - April 21, Prepare research agreement (MoU) and sending out to partners for comment - April 28, 2014Country coordinator + N2Africa Team 6. Trial establishment -Land preparation -Planting -Management (weeding…. -Harvesting -Farmers field days June 2014 July 2014 Aug-Sept, 2014 October, 2014 Sept, 2014 Farmers Farmers, experts& researchers -Monitoring and evaluationAug& Sep 2014Team 8. Data collection -Associated observations (soil, weather) -Plant growth, Nodulation and N fixation -Soil and plant analysis sep -oct, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 9. Filed day Team 10. Reporting ( progress and Final) July and Dec, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke
Budget S.NoBudget categoryAmount(ETB) 1 Wage Stationery Equipments Input s(seed, fertilizer & inoculants) = Fuel and lubricants Perdium Car maintenance Training Filed day Contingency(10%) Total
Demonstrations(Soy Bean)
Target legumes: Soybean ( Belesa-95) Pawe Project sites (Woredas) :- Pawe BGRS - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Project location ( Kebele ), Trial location (Farmers plot ) & Team 1.K2V5 2. K2V30, 3. K2V17 2.Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) 3.Team -Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega -Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke -#3 Woreda expert -#3 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3)
Work plan: Demonstration Activity cluster – Pawe Actions: 1.Procurement of inputs (seeds, fertilizer, inoculant required) Seeds: 60kg fertilizer:40kg inoculants ; 0.2kg -Total Trial locations (Farmers Plots) = 30 (10 farmers per Kebele) -Variety = Belesa-95 -Treatment 2(+P+R, -P-R) -P rate= 100kg/ha (DAP) 2. Selection of trials locations (10 farmers /kebele) 3. Engagement of farmers for establishment of trials 4. Collecting of associated observations (soil, weather etc.) 5. Planting, managing, and harvesting the trials 6. Data collection 7. Reporting 8. Budget 9. MoU
Work plan Action Quantity WhenWho is responsible Pawe 1. Selection of Kebeles (K2V5 2. K2V30, 3. K2V17) 3 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 2. Selection of farmers (Trial locations, 10/Kebele) 30 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 3. Procurement of Input (calculate now!) -Seeds -Fertilizer (NPS?) -Inoculant 60 Kg 40 Kg 0.2 Kg June 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 4. Prepare budgets sending out to ILRI - April 21, Prepare research agreement (MoU) and sending out to partners for comment - April 28, 2014Country coordinator + N2Africa Team 6. Trial establishment -Land preparation -Planting -Management (weeding…. -Harvesting -Farmers field days may 2014 June 2014 July-Sept, 2014 October, 2014 Sept, 2014 farmers Farmers, experts& researchers -Monitoring and evaluationJuly& Sep 2014Team 8. Data collection -Associated observations (soil, weather) -Plant growth, Nodulation and N fixation -Soil and plant analysis sep -oct, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 9. Filed day Team 10. Reporting ( progress and Final) July and Dec, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke
Budget S.NoBudget categoryAmount(ETB) 1 Wage Stationery Equipments Input s(seed, fertilizer & inoculants) = Fuel and lubricants Perdium Car maintenance Training Filed day Contingency(10%) Total
Adaptation (Common bean)
Target legumes: common bean ( Nassir) Mandura Project sites (Woredas) :- Mandura BGRS - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Project location ( Kebele ), Trial location (Farmers plot ) & Team 1.Doawanzbaguna, Jigda and Gilgel zuria 2.Trial Locations (famers plots) = 300 (100/kebele) 3.Team -Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega -Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke -#3 Woreda expert -#3 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3)
Work plan: Demonstration Activity cluster – Madura Actions: 1.Procurement of inputs (seeds, fertilizer, inoculant required) Seeds: 600kg fertilizer:300kg inoculants ; 0.2kg -Total Trial locations (Farmers Plots) = 30 (10 farmers per Kebeles) -Variety = Nassir + Local -Treatment (+P+R) for Nassir -P rate= 100kg/ha (DAP) 2. Selection of trials locations (10 farmers /kebele) 3. Engagement of farmers for establishment of trials 4. Collecting of associated observations (soil, weather etc.) 5. Planting, managing, and harvesting the trials 6. Data collection 7. Reporting 8. Budget 9. MoU
Work plan Action Quantity WhenWho is responsible Pawe 1. Selection of Kebeles (Duwanzbaguna, Jigda and Gilgel zuria) 3 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 2. Selection of farmers (Trial locations, 10/Kebele) 30 May 2014 Expert and DAs 3. Procurement of Input (calculate now!) -Seeds -Fertilizer -Inoculant 500 Kg 300 Kg 0.2 Kg June 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 4. Prepare budgets sending out to ILRI - April 21, Prepare research agreement (MoU) and sending out to partners for comment - April 28, 2014Country coordinator + N2Africa Team 6. Trial establishment -Land preparation -Planting -Management (weeding…. -Harvesting June 2014 July 2014 Aug-Sept, 2014 October, 2014 Farmers Farmers, experts& researchers -Monitoring and evaluationAug& Sep 2014Team 8. Data collection -Associated observations (soil, weather) -Plant growth, Nodulation and N fixation -Soil and plant analysis sep -oct, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 9. Filed daySept, 2014 Team 10. Reporting ( progress and Final) July and Dec, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke
Budget S.NoBudget categoryAmount(ETB) 2 Stationery Input s(seed, fertilizer & inoculants) = Fuel and lubricants Perdium Car maintenance Training Filed day Contingency (10%) Total
Adaptation(Soy Bean)
Target legumes: Soybean ( Belesa-95) Pawe Project sites (Woredas) :- Pawe BGRS - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Project location ( Kebele ), Trial location (Farmers plot ) & Team 1.K2V5 2. K2V30, 3. K2V17 2.Trial Locations (famers plots) = 300 (100/Kebele) 3.Team -Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega -Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke -#3 Woreda expert -#3 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3)
Work plan: Demonstration Activity cluster – Pawe Actions: 1.Procurement of inputs (seeds, fertilizer, inoculant required) Seeds: 500kg fertilizer:300kg inoculants ; 0.2kg -Total Trial locations (Farmers Plots) = 30 (10 farmers per Kebele) -Variety = Belesa-95 -Treatment (+P+R) for Belesa 95 -P rate= 100kg/ha (DAP) 2. Selection of trials locations (10 farmers /kebele) 3. Engagement of farmers for establishment of trials 4. Collecting of associated observations (soil, weather etc.) 5. Planting, managing, and harvesting the trials 6. Data collection 7. Reporting 8. Budget 9. MoU
Work plan Action Quantity WhenWho is responsible Pawe 1. Selection of Kebeles (K2V5 2. K2V30, 3. K2V17) 3 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 2. Selection of farmers (Trial locations, 10/Kebele) 30 May 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 3. Procurement of Input (calculate now!) -Seeds -Fertilizer (NPS?) -Inoculant 500 Kg 300 Kg 0.2 Kg June 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 4. Prepare budgets sending out to ILRI - April 21, Prepare research agreement (MoU) and sending out to partners for comment - April 28, 2014Country coordinator + N2Africa Team 6. Trial establishment -Land preparation -Planting -Management (weeding…. -Harvesting may 2014 June 2014 July-Sept, 2014 October, 2014 farmers Farmers, experts& researchers -Monitoring and evaluationJuly& Sep 2014Team 8. Data collection -Associated observations (soil, weather) -Plant growth, Nodulation and N fixation -Soil and plant analysis sep -oct, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke 9. Filed day Sept, 2014 Team 10. Reporting ( progress and Final) July and Dec, 2014 Abebawe Assaye/Tesfaye Midega Adane Melak/Zewdneh Melke
Budget S. NoBudget categoryAmount(ETB) 2 Stationery Input s(seed, fertilizer & inoculants) = Fuel and lubricants Perdium Car maintenance Training Filed day Contingency (10%) Total
Researchers Managed Agronomy Field Evaluation of Soybean Nodulating Strains Summarized Budget: Evaluation of Inoculated soybean varieties under limed and unlimed condition Summarized Budget: Field Evaluation of Common bean Nodulating Strains Summarized Budget: Evaluation of Inoculated Common Bean varieties under limed and unlimed condition Summarized Budget: Popularization of different soya dishes Summarized Budget: 95,000 Organizing TOT for 50 FHHs
PARC N2Africa soybean2014 Activities with Budget S.No Activity Title Estemated Budget(ETB) 1Diagnosis Demonstration adaptation Field Evaluation of Soybean Nodulating Strains Evaluation of Inoculated soybean varieties under limed and unlimed condition Popularization of different soya dishes95,000 Grand Total
PARC N2Africa Common Bean2014 Activities with Budget S.NoActivity TitleEstemated Budget(ETB) 1Diagnosis Demonstration adaptation Field Evaluation of Common Bean Nodulating Strains Evaluation of Inoculated Common Bean varieties under limed and unlimed condition Total
S.NoActivity TitleEstemated Budget(ETB) 1Soybean Common Bean Grand Total 1,064,926 PARC N2Africa 2014 Activities with Budget