Mirasol Eating Disorder Recovery Center What Happens to Your Body When You Have an Eating Disorder?
Understanding Eating Disorders ▪ Eating disorders can cause very harmful long-term physical and emotional health issues, and if left untreated, can be fatal. ▪ This prolonged emotional and physical stress upon the body can cause serious depression and a sense of hopelessness for the individual. ▪ The heart, muscles, bones, and mind can all be affected by eating disorders. In the following slides we’ll outline the physical and mental effects of eating disorders, as well as further insight into the causes and solutions to these disorders.
Anorexia Nervosa ▪ Individuals with anorexia nervosa attempt to maintain a body weight well below the average for their specific height and age. In order to prevent weight gain, those with anorexia nervosa generally practice extreme restrictive eating, excessive exercising, and other methods to continually lose weight. ▪ Relative to other eating disorders, anorexia nervosa is also a psychological disorder. The initial drive to become thinner results in an obsession with the reduction of weight, thereby leaving concerns about the overall physical well-being of the individual to be secondary. ▪ This on-going cycle often triggers similar psychological distress to those suffering from addiction, where the individual feels a loss of control of their body.
Bulimia Nervosa ▪ Those who suffer from bulimia nervosa are prone to episodes of bingeing and purging of food in order to achieve weight loss. Bulimia often occurs with body dysmorphic disorder, which involves the individual having a sense of defectiveness with their appearance beyond their weight. ▪ Bulimia includes repeated, uncontrolled episodes of both bingeing and purging. While bingeing causes the person to eat large amounts of food in a short period of time, purging can include the use of forced vomiting, fasting, and laxative abuse. ▪ Relative to other eating disorders, bulimia has a known tendency to trigger deep depression, anxiety, and substance-abuse disorders as well, which endangers the person to perpetuate the eating cycle.
Binge Eating Disorder ▪ Similar to bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or BED is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge eating, without the inclusion of purging, exercising, or abuse of medications. ▪ Individuals who are prone to obesity tend to be at risk for binge eating as well as athletes and those who have a past history of emotional abuse. ▪ Psychologically, binge eating disorder is observed by professionals as a form of food addiction, which is associated specifically with phobias, panic disorders, and extreme emotional distress.
Infertility ▪ Infertility is a possible consequence of eating disorders. For women, eating disorders can cause amenorrhea, while the psychological stress associated with the disorder can also contribute to menstrual problems. ▪ Extreme weight loss or weight gain can result in the suppression of hormones which are needed to maintain normal estrogen levels. Without normal levels of estrogen, ovulation ceases, thereby developing the risk of infertility. ▪ Although fertility may be reduced, women are still capable of becoming pregnant, depending on their specific situation. The female body will first require an increased amount of basic nutrients to support the growth of a baby.
Heart & Blood Effects ▪ All eating disorders put the heart at risk. The physical impact of these disorders can result in a slower heart rate, low blood pressure, and heart palpitations. These symptoms can put individuals at risk of a heart attack, stroke, or developing clotting. ▪ Extreme dehydration is a well-known symptom of eating disorders, which can cause serious damage to your body, including kidney failure, which can be life threatening. ▪ Heart complications can occur from the loss of potassium, sodium, and chloride at dangerous amounts. Bulimia induced vomiting can result in inflamed or ruptured intestines as well.
Bone, Skin & Muscle Effects ▪ The loss of essential nutrients can take a great toll on the human body. Individuals with eating disorders are very much prone to the loss of these nutrients. ▪ An eating disorder can contribute to bone loss, allowing for the bones to become easily fractured—leading to possible osteoporosis. Muscles can also become weak overall, making everyday tasks difficult. ▪ Anorexia nervosa can cause hair loss and dry skin, or the possible development of a condition known as lanugo.
Causes ▪ There are many factors that contribute to the onset of eating disorders, all of which range from biological circumstances to psychological health and social pressures. There is no known root cause of eating disorders, rather, these influences work together to develop the disorder in some degree. ▪ Some genes inherited by individuals may make them prone to developing an eating disorder, while some eating disorders are brought upon by emotional distress. This distress can be caused by low self-esteem, negative social relationships, and other circumstances. ▪ Modern western culture also cultivates a glamorization of thinness, which is often equated to success and self-worth. Young women are particularly prone to this idea, and are sometimes enabled by peer pressure.
Prevention ▪ Prevention attempts to resolve factors which enable an individual to initiate, sustain, and intensify addictive and psychologically dependent disorders like eating disorders. This involves the reduction of negative risk factors like depression and low self-esteem. This also includes an increase in positive support such as intuitive eating and positive self-definition. ▪ The use of prevention programs can help individuals with eating disorders adjust their attitudes and behaviors, by re- directing their efforts to more healthy practices while also building self-confidence. ▪ Cognitive therapies have proven to help individuals who suffer from eating disorders to re-evaluate their image, which helps gain greater insight into their situation and habits. This allows the individual to become more physically aware and emotionally comfortable.
About Mirasol Recovery Centers Mirasol is dedicated to providing comprehensive and alternative treatment programs for eating disorder recovery. Every member of the Mirasol staff is certified and experienced to support assessment, treatment, and aftercare planning with attentive care to each individual’s needs. Our proven therapies are based on an integrative medical approach which combines mind-body-spirit healing. We are happy to offer clients both cognitive and alternative therapies for chronic stress and trauma recovery. For more information, visit us today at
There are many causes and complications to having an eating disorder. Learn more about the different types of eating disorders, what they do to your body, and the preventative measures that can be taken for greater healing. Summary