Guess who I am !
I'm an adjective I'm related to a curve I'm meaningful for Hyperbolas but meaningless for Parabolas Limits define me
Guess who I am ! I'm a noun I'm one of the conic section My name comes from the Greek word for « thrown »
Guess who I am ! I'm a compound noun The first part of my name is a single letter. The second part of my name comes from a verb. A parabola may have one or two or none of it!
Guess who I am ! I'm made of two words. Multiplying my input by my output Always gives 1. My graph gets closer to the axis as it gets further from the origin. I'm meaningless when x equals 0 !
Guess who I am ! I'm a verb + a noun When you meet me, you know that you need a pencil. After acting as you've been told by me, you get a diagram that might help you !
Guess who I am ! I'm a phrase of few words. I can be eather positive or negative. I'm linear when the function is quadratic. When I'm positive the function is increasing.
Guess who I am ! I'm a single word. I'm related to a curve. I can be eather a maximum or a minimum. A parabola has always one.
Guess who I am ! I'm a noun that comes from a verb. The verb means « to distinguish » I'm denoted with a Greek letter. My sign makes all the difference !
Guess who I am ! I'm a phrasal adjective. I tell whether the parabola is smiley :) or grumpy :( I can be either up or down.
Guess who I am ! I'm a line. A parabola has always one. I act as a mirror.