FUN GYM Cambridge Nationals R001
FUN GYM “SOFTWARE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE BUSINESS FUNCTION OF THE ORGANISATION” There are TWO main categories of Software: 1.System Software -Operating System -Utility Programs 2.Application Software -Generic Software -Microsoft Office -Web Browsing
FUN GYM SYSTEM SOFTWARE Operating System: The operating system is part of the system software. All computers have an operating system, they cannot function without one. The operating system is a program that allows applications software to communicate with the hardware. Examples of operating systems are Windows 10, Linux and Mac OS X.
FUN GYM OPERATING SYSTEMS An OS has many functions: M – Memory Management Allocating memory space to programs and data. Keeping track of which parts of the memory have already been allocated and the parts that are still free. U – User Interface Provides an Interface or GUI (Graphical User Interface) M – Multi-Tasking It deals with the loading of applications software into memory and controls the execution, or ‘running’ of them as well as all these other functions. P – Peripherals Accepting data from input devices and transferring it to the computer’s memory. Making sure that any output is sent to the correct output device eg: Printer. S – Security Stores user names and passwords, preventing unauthorised access, monitoring and restricting access to programs and data.
FUN GYM UTILITY PROGRAMS Utility programs are part of the systems software. They are designed to do one or two specific but vital tasks very well. Some utility programs might be supplied as part of the operating system, others are purchased separately. Some common tasks carried out by utility programs are: -Anti Virus Software – prevent corruption of data, security issues -File compression – ZIP compresses for storage or sending data via communication links, eg: -Firewalls – prevent unauthorised access to files. - Recovering data from damaged file, checking a disk for faults and repairing them.
FUN GYM UTILITY PROGRAMS Examples: File Compression Anti Virus Software FirewallDisk Repair/Defrag
FUN GYM APPLICATION SOFTWARE Applications software is different to systems software. They do not control how the system works, instead they allow you to do your every day tasks on the computer such as writing a letter, sending an , making a poster or downloading a web page. General Purpose / Generic Software. These are the software packages that you use everyday. For instance, Microsoft Office. #EXAMTIP ‘ Whenever you write about applications software in your exam, always use the generic term e.g. word processing software, DTP software. Do not say, 'Word' or 'Excel' unless you are supporting your first statement with an example.’
FUN GYM APPLICATION SOFTWARE Examples: Word Processing, Presentation Software and Spreadsheet Software Web BrowsersDesktop Publishing Software Question: What uses can you think of for these applications?
FUN GYM QUESTION 1) In order for FUN GYM customers to make bookings they will have to be connected to the Internet. What type of Software would be needed to view webpages? [1] 2) Bridget has to keep the following appointments: 21 st May: 10am: Meeting with warehouse landlord 21 st May: 11.20am: Interview for vacant janitor position 21 st May: File documents for council tax 22 nd May: Attend cash handling course in Brixton What type of software is most suitable to help Bridget oraganise these activities? [1]
FUN GYM QUESTION 3) Classes in the static bike room can request songs they want to hear. He provides his members with a form, on paper, on which requests can be made. What type of application software would be most suitable to use to create this form? [1]
FUN GYM VIRUSES 1.A small program attached to another program or data file. It replicates itself by attaching itself to other programs. It usually attacks the computer. 2.Can be attached to downloaded software, ed files. 3.Executes when program its attached to is running, or document is opened. 4.Connecting to an unprotected computer- like leaving your front door open, - giving people with malicious intent access to your computer. What types of viruses do you already know about? How do they work?
FUN GYM TROJAN A Trojan Virus is a program that hides in or masquerades as desirable software (something that you would want to own or download), such as an utility or a game, but attacks computers it infects. An up-to-date Antivirus package should prevent Trojan attacks Can be downloaded from ‘FREE OFFERS’ ie games etc Can also be distributed via Attachments.
FUN GYM WORM A Worm is a small program that exploits a network security weakness (security hole) to replicate itself through computer networks. It may also attack computers. Unlike a computer virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program. Majority of Worms are designed to use up computer time and increases traffic on networks. Users can minimise the threat posed by worms by keeping their computers' operating system and other software up-to-date, avoiding opening unrecognised or unexpected s and running firewall and antivirus software.
FUN GYM SPAM Unsolicited junk s. Someone can send 1000s of s by redirecting the messages through the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server of an unsuspecting host. (SMTP session hijacking). Makes real originator of original s difficult to trace.
FUN GYM PHISHING This is when you receive an trying to get to you give financial details. An example of this maybe an that looks like its from the bank asking you for your password. Another example might be an from a online shop asking you to confirm payment details eg credit card details or username
FUN GYM EFFECTS OF VIRUSES Many different kinds of symptoms that you may come across, they depend on the type of virus that is on the computer. One of the main symptoms is when your system is running really slow and you come across regular errors. Others include: The computer stops responding, or it locks up frequently. The computer crashes, and then it restarts every few minutes and applications on the computer do not work correctly, you see unusual error messages. An antivirus program is disabled for no reason. Additionally, the antivirus program cannot be restarted. A program disappears from the computer even though you did not intentionally remove the program
FUN GYM QUESTION 1) Describe how the following are a threat to the data held on Fun Gym’s computer system. Phishing [2] Worm[2] 2) How can Bridget ensure that the computer system she has set up can be protected from external threats. [2]