An Introduction to Model-Free Chemical Analysis Hamid Abdollahi IASBS, Zanjan Lecture 3
? Use the n_V_U_space.m file and find the feasible band for a two component system
Rank Deficiency
v 1 vector u 1 vector
Augmentation =
Real Spectrum 1 Real Spectrum 2
Augmentation and Normalization
? Investigate the number of Augmented samples on ranges of possible solutions
How can we determine that some target spectra belong to a particular space?
The row space (V space) of measured data matrix.
Projections of targets in V space
Comparison of projections with targets (Target Testing)
Defining a criteria
Target Factor Analysis (TFA)
TFA.m file Target Factor Analysis (TFA)
? Modify TFA.m file for using the correlation coefficient as criteria for target testing
Using TFA for determination of chemical model parameters
What is the pK a of a monoprotic acid?
The column space (U space) of measured data matrix.
Simulated targets
Projections of targets in U space
Defining a criteria
Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis (ITTFA) Algorithm: 1.Calculation of the score matrix by PCA. 2. Use of the estimated concentration profile as initial target. 3. Projection of the target onto the score space. 4. Constraint of the target projected. 5. Projection of the constrained target. 6. Return to step 4 until convergence is achieved.
Using ITTFA for calculating the concentration profiles from HPLC-DAD data
ITTFA Initial estimate
ITTFA Output
ITTFA Constrained Output
ITTFA Output
ITTFA Constrained Output
ITTFA Output
ITTFA Constrained Output
ITTFA Constrained Output
ITTFA.m file Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis
? Use ITTFA.m file for finding another concentration profile.
? Use ITTFA.m file and investigate the effect of initial estimate
Resolving Factor Analysis (RFA) RFA is the combination of nonlinear parameter fitting and free-model analysis. RFA combine the advantages of the small number of parameters of model-based analyses with the lack of model constraints of the model-free methods. D = USV = C A D = (UST -1 ) (TV) = C A C = UST -1 A = TV
Resolving Factor Analysis (RFA) Algorithm: 1.Initial Guess of the Elements of T. 2. Calculation of the Matrices C and A. C = UST -1 A=TV 3. Using Constraint for C and A. 4. Residuals and Sum of Squares. D calc = C A R = D – D calc 5. Calculation of Parameter Shifts. 6. Return to Step 2 until Convergence. ssq = ΣΣ r 2 I,j
Measured data matrix, D
Rows of data matrix
Columns of data matrix
Initial estimate of T matrix
Calculated T -1 based on initial estimate of T
Calculated C matrix based on T -1
Shifted T matrix
Calculated A matrix based on new T
T -1 corresponding to new T
Calculated C matrix
Shifted T matrix
Calculated A matrix
T -1 matrix
Calculated C matrix
Converged T matrix after 10 iteration
Solution for A after 10 iteration
T -1 matrix after 10 iteration
Solution for C after 10 iteration
RFA.m file Visulizing the RFA method
? Use RFA.m file and investigate the effect of initial estimate of T matrix