SOIL A mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic matter, air, and water. Soil composition depends on the size of the individual particles (gravel, sand, silt, and clay)
Residual Soil The parent rock weathers, and then the weathered material stays put This type of soil is found in Georgia, Kentucky, and Virginia
Transported Soil The parent rock weathers, and then the weathered material is moved to a different location An example where this occurs is Michigan, where soil was deposited by glaciers
Factors of Soil Formation
Climate The most significant factor controlling soil formation Temperature, wind, and rainfall determine the type of soil that can develop
Topography Hillsides have shallow soils, while organic material accumulates in valleys and flat areas
Parent material Depends on the environment and bedrock it came from Coarse soil deposited by water Volcanic soil
Biological Activity Prairie and fertile farm land is rich in organic matter Decaying organic matter is called humus
Time As time passes clearer horizons formed. Over thousands of years a soil can be depleted of its minerals