Unit A: Chapter 1 and 2 Unit B: Chapter 1/ Lesson 1and 2
Prophets of Islam Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the Prophets and the messengers in Islam. 2. Explore the difference between a prophet and a messenger. 3. Identify the main message of all prophets. 4. Learn about some of the miracles our prophets brought with them. 5. Identify the last and the final prophet.
Adam (Adam) Musa (Moses) Idrees (Enoch) Haroon (Aaron) Nuh (Noah) Daud (David) Hud (-) Sulaiman (Solomon) Salih (-) Ilyas (Elijah) Ibraheem (Abraham) Al-Yasa' (Elisha) Lut (Lot)
Younus (Jonah) Isma’eel (Ishmael) Zulkifli (Ezekiel) Ishaq (Isaac) Zakariyya (Zachariah) Ya‘qoob (Jacob) Yahya (John the Baptist) Yousuf (Joseph) Isa (Jesus) Ayyoob (Job) Muhammad (-)
A prophet is someone who has been chosen and favoured by Allah to convey his message to the people on earth and to bring them to believe in and worship Him alone. A Prophet, is one who is purified of all sins, guides people to truth and sets a perfect example for them to follow. They have a strong relation to Allah. All Prophets came with the same message: To believe in Allah without any partners, encourage good and prohibit evil.
Believing in the Prophets is one of the 7 articles of faith. A Muslim must believe in all the previous Prophets and the original previous Scriptures. All Prophets were sent to their own people and for their own time. Prophet Muhammad, however, was sent to all of humanity regardless of time or place.
1. Nabi (Prophet) were prophets sent without a Holy Book. 2. Rasool (Messenger) are higher in ranks as they were sent a revelation in the form of a holy book.
Over 124,000 Prophets were sent to guide mankind to worship of one Allah. We do not know the exact number or all their names as only Allah has that knowledge. Some are mentioned in the Quran. Adam was the first Prophet to be sent and the last of the Prophets was Muhammad. Only 25 Prophets are mentioned in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad informed us of Yousha and Shayth
'Ulul 'Azmi (the Messengers of Strong Will): 5 (Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad)
Who are the prophets? What is the importance of the belief in prophets? What is the difference between prophets and messengers? What was the main message of all prophets? Why did Allah gift prophets with miracles? Who are the prophets mentioned in Sunnah? What are some of the characristics of prophets? Mention the three significant qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What is the total numbers of prophets and messengers?
Only five prophets are given the rank of Ulul Azm. They are:Issa,, Ibrahim, Haroon, Nuh (alayhimsalam), Muhammad sas Muslims believe only in prophet Muhammad as he was the last messenger sent to mankind. There are 20 prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. The original Bible did include the news about the coming of Prophet Muhammad sas. He was mentioned there as Ahmad, a messenger to be sent among the arabs.