Section A 36 marks (paper is out of 60 in total) 61 minutes 5 questions – all source based 5 sources A – E Can be on any topic from the American West YOU MUST ANSWER THIS SECTION!
(a)What do Sources A and B suggest about the way of life of the Plains Indians? (4 marks) Source B The Plains Indians’ feelings for nature, from a speech by Chief Luther Standing Bear of the Sioux (born 1868). The Indians are true lovers of nature. They love the earth and all the things of the earth. Their tips are built on the earth. The birds of the air come to rest on the earth and it is the final resting place of all things that lived and grew. A strong tie with all things on the earth, sky and water was a real active belief. Indians know that a man’s heart away from nature becomes hard. They know that a lack of respect for growing, living things soon lead to a lack of respect for humans too. Source A Indian Women moving camp This painting was done by Charles Russell ( ). Charles Russell was a cowboy who settled in the West to paint pictures that he then sold mainly in the East. He painted nearly 4000 paintings.
Mark scheme – 4 marks Fail to address the question – 0 marks Level 1: Select simple details from the sources – 1 mark Level 2: Makes a simple inference about both sources – 2-3 marks Level 3: Make a complex inference from both sources – 4 marks Top Tips 9 minutes 2 paragraphs – NO MORE Say what you see Say what this tells you, (what does it suggest) Use your own knowledge to add detail that helps put it into context YOU MUST REFER TO BOTH SOURCES and combine them
Model Answer Source A and Source B suggest that the Native Americans were peaceful and practical people who valued nature and tried to respect it. Source A shows the Indians moving camp as part of their nomadic lifestyle and you can see that they have all their belongings with them and they are using horses to help them. In Source B, it tells me that the Native Americans respected nature and tried to live simple lives in harmony with the land. It talks about the importance of valuing nature and all living things. This suggests that Native Americans are peaceful.
(b) What different impression of the way of life of the Plains Indians is suggested by Sources C and D? Explain your answer using Sources A, B, C and D. (6 marks) Source D An account of the behaviour of the Plains Indians (1841). The author, George Catlin was a white man who traveled for many years amongst the Plains Indians. When we were about to start on our way from the village, my attention was drawn to a very old and frail man who was to be left behind. He had once been a chief and an important man in his tribe, who was now too old to travel. This cruel custom of exposing their old people is practiced by all the Plains Indians who roam the prairies. Source C A Buffalo Hunt This painting was done by Frederic Remington ( ). Frederic Remington traveled in the West and sold a huge number of paintings. His paintings were known for showing the excitement of the West.
Mark Scheme 6 marks Fails to answer the question – 0 marks Level 1: Selects detail from Source C and/or D – 1-2 marks Level 2: Simple comparison based on what all 4 sources say OR make an inference from the sources 3 – 4 marks Level 3: Makes inferences about the sources and compares them – 5 – 6 marks Top Tips 11 minutes 2 chunky paragraphs – 3 if you really must Say what Source C and D Say what this tells you and compare it to what A and B tell you Summarise the key differences between the sources by referring to them in their pairs
Model Answer Sources C and D give the impression that the Native Americans are quite violent and uncivilised. For example, Source C shows the buffalo hunt and suggests that the Indian are quite brutal because they are stabbing the buffalo in the neck using basic bows and arrows. This was one of the methods that they used and was the most resourceful and effective way to hunt. Source D is talking about the practice of exposure which makes the Indians seem uncivilised because they leave the old people to die. However, they did this with the old people’s consent so that they didn’t hold the rest of the tribe up. These sources make the Native Americans seem barbaric and aggressive. This is in contrast to Sources A and B which portray the Native Americans as civilised and practical. In Source B the Native Americans seem to be in harmony with nature, whereas in C they are killing the buffalo in a very aggressive way and it seems to go against the idea of B that they respect life. Similarly, Source A shows the Indians moving camp as a family, where as in Source D the old people seem to be abandoned due to the practice of exposure.
(c) Why do you think Sources A and B give a different impression to Sources C and D? Explain your answer using Sources A, B, C and D and your own knowledge. (8 marks) There are many reasons why Sources A and B give a different impression to Sources C and D. Firstly, the intentions of the authors are quite different. Source B in particular was written by a Native American, Chief Luther Standing Bear. This means that he has a first hand understanding of Native American lifestyle and he would also want to portray them in a positive light. He was also writing at a time when the Native Americans were in conflict with the whites and so he would want to promote them as well as possible. In contrast to this, Source C and D were written by Whites who do not fully understand the Native American way of life and do not have the same desire to make the Native Americans look good. The date when the sources were produced is also important. Source A was written later than Source D. This means that the author of Source D, Catlin, writing in 1841 probably had more limited understanding of the Native Americans as this was before the whites were on the Plains. In contrast, Source A was written later, when more whites had an opportunity to live and work with the Native Americans so therefore understood their lifestyle better. ETC ETC ETC
Mark Scheme (8 marks) Fails to answer the question – 0 marks Level 1: Answer says how the sources are different – 1 – 2 marks Level 2: Simple reasons why the sources have different views – 3 – 4 marks Level 3: Developed reasons why the sources have different views 5 – 6 marks Level 4: As level 3 but links the reasons between sources – 7 – 8 marks Top Tips 13 minutes 3 chunky paragraphs -How did the author get their knowledge? -Who is the Author and how are they personally involved? -What Date was it written and what was happening in the bigger picture at the time? -Where in the American West is the source writing about? -Who is the Audience? Has this affected what the author might say?
(d) How useful is Source E for understanding the Plains Indians attitude to white people? Explain your answer using Source E and your own knowledge. (8 marks) A painting by John Vanderlyn (1834). The painting is of Jane McCrea. She was killed after her home had been surrounded by Native Americans. John Vanderlyn spent most of his time in the East and painted this after hearing about the incident.
Mark Scheme (8 marks) Fails to address the question – 0 marks Level 1: Simple, basic statement about if the source is useful or not – 1 – 2 marks Level 2: Explains if the source is useful/not useful based on EITHER provenance OR content – 3 – 4 marks Level 3: Explains the value of the source because of its content and provenance – 5 – 6 marks Level 4: As level 3 but uses own knowledge give reasons for why the sources is useful or not useful – 7 – 8 marks Top Tips 13 minutes 3 chunky paragraphs The source will always be useful in some ways but not useful in others What does the source tell you? What doesn’t it tell you? (from your own knowledge) What does the provenance tell you? Can you trust it? Is it accurate?
Model Answer Source C is very useful in some ways, but less useful in others. It is useful because it shows that the Indians had conflict with the whites and were at times ruthless in their response to them. The painting shows them scalping a white woman which appears to be a barbaric and aggressive act. From my own knowledge, I know that this did happen but not just to white women and the source is slightly misleading because it doesn’t explain the reasons behind it. The Indians did this so that they wouldn’t meet their enemies in the after life and is part of their spiritual beliefs. However, in the picture it seems to portray the Indians as brutal and savage. In addition to this, the provenance of the source suggests it isn’t particularly useful because it is probably not very accurate. It was drawn by someone in the East who did not know or understand the Native Americans. The picture has been dramatised and was drawn at a time when few whites had contact with the Native Americans and so this would suggest that instead of being drawn to represent what happened, it was drawn for dramatic effect. ETC ETC
Why was it so difficult for the Plains Indians to understand the ways of the white people? (10 marks)
Mark Scheme (10 marks) Fails to address the question – 0 marks Level 1: General, simple statements – marks Level 2: Talks briefly about 3 factors OR about 1 factor in depth – 3 – 5 marks Level 3: Recognises and explains 3 factors in specific detail – 6 – 8 marks Level 4: As level 3 but with a conclusion saying which factor was more important and why compared to other factors OR shows links between the factors – 9 – 10 marks Top Tips 15 minutes 4 killer points in chunky paragraphs and a conclusion Factor Other Factors Conclusion
Model Answer There are many reasons as to why the Plains Indians found it difficult to understand the ways of white people. Essentially, in many ways it could be argued that the beliefs and values of the whites and Indians were so different that fundamentally, neither group could understand the ways of the other. One of the key issues which meant that the Indians found it difficult to understand the ways of white people was the issue of land. To the Indians, land was sacred and they believed that no one could own it. They believed that the whites exploited the land and could not comprehend why the whites were so possessive and fought over it. This was a great source of conflict, as illustrated by the Plains wars in the 1860s and 1870s. Clear examples of this would be when gold was discovered in the Black Hills of Dakota. This land was sacred to the Sioux so when the whites started to destroy it and dig it up, the Indians were baffled and horrified. Their attitudes were simply in conflict and while the Indians thought the whites abused the land, the whites thought that the Indians wasted it.
Another reason why the Indians found it so difficult to understand the ways of white people is that the Indians struggled to understand the arrogant attitudes of the whites. Indians did not believe that they were the most important things on Earth, but the whites considered themselves to be superior. This is linked to Indian beliefs about nature and Nature’s Great Circle. Indians worked with nature and tried to keep a balance, whereas the whites upset the balance. They over farmed the land and the construction of the railroad went through Indian territory and destroyed the natural habitat of animals and birds. The Indians branded the trains the Great Iron Horse and saw it as a method of destruction, not transport. Similarly, the Indians could not understand the wastefulness of the whites both in terms of resources and land use as they lived in a way that made the most of what they had. A serious issue that meant that the Indians could not understand the ways of white people was what the whites did to the buffalo when they first came onto the Plains. The buffalo was sacred to the Indians, and as a result they used every part of it and killed only as many as was necessary. The whites on the other hand, killed buffalo purely for meat or their hides and left thousands of rotting carcasses on the Plains. Not only was this highly offensive to the Indians, but it was also impossible for them to make sense of. In conclusion, the reason why the Indians found it so difficult to understand the ways of white people can be summed up as a clash of cultures. The beliefs and values of the whites and the Indians were so different that it was inevitable that they would not be able to understand each other.