A: You betcha!
It is possible for temporary or permanent hearing impairment to occur to those who use headphones at high volume.
Listening to very loud music, especially through headphones, and exposure to loud or repetitive sounds such as machinery, airplanes, gunshots, etc. can be responsible for hearing loss later in life.
If someone is exposed to loud noise over a long period of time, like every day, permanent hearing loss can occur. Listening to loud music a lot can cause the same kind of damage, especially if headphones or ear buds are used.
Can others hear the music and lyrics you’re listening to through earphones? You may want to turn down the volume. Using headphones or ear buds can cause temporary or permanent hearing changes. For safer listening, lower the volume and limit listening time.
1 in 5 teens now suffer from some sort of hearing loss, a rate that has risen almost 30% from the 1980s and 1990s.
Most teenagers don't like to wear earplugs at concerts because "that's what old people do." Well, if you keep up this exposure to high volumes, you'll have the hearing of an old person.
Here are some loudness/time facts to consider (the unit of measurement is decibel):decibel At 95 dB, damage will occur after four hours of exposure per day. At 100 dB, damage will occur after two hours of exposure per day.
At 105 dB, damage will occur after one hour of exposure per day. At 110 dB, damage will occur after 30 minutes of exposure per day. At 115 dB, damage will occur after 15 minutes of exposure per day. At 120-plus dB, damage occurs almost immediately.
from-headphones.html "Headphones and Earphones Can Cause Permanent Hearing Loss: What You Need to Know." Stony Brook University School of Medicine. Stony Brook Surgery, 23 Aug Web. 15 Feb "Slideshow: Top Causes of Severe Hearing Loss Including Loud Noise, Disease, and Injury." WebMD. Andrew Seibert, MD, 25 Oct Web. 15 Feb