Elizabeth Lord Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Winter Quarter Department Chair Forum February 24, 2006
Miscellaneous Discussion Items Retention Procedures Faculty Awards Pre-Retirement Recall for Teaching Off-Scales Leaves of absence Updates: Discussion of submitted work Online files Appointment toolkit File status
Retention Procedures 1. The Department Chair a) Initiates the retention process b) Adheres to the principle that retentions will be considered only when there is an outside offer c) Ensures that Senate Bylaw 55 voting rights are followed if change in rank/step d) Formalizes department recommendation e) Coordinates off-scale recommendation
Retention Procedures 2. The Dean a) Forwards chair/dept recommendation for a retention package to the EVC/P and VPAP b) Coordinates meeting of dept chair, EVC/P, VPAP and VCR
Retention Procedures 3. VPAP and Academic Personnel Office a) APO provides most recently completed or ongoing personnel review file and faculty member’s appointment history to VPAP b) Ensures the salary recommendation falls within appropriate Regental threshold c) Expedites CAP review if necessary
Retention Procedures 4. Meeting results in final decision on retention offer. Written decision is given to chair, dean, VPAP & APB 5. Chair verbally relays retention effort to the candidate 6. Chair informs the VPAP through the Dean of results of discussion with candidate 7. If retention is successful,AP staff prepares letter and provides copies to all 8. Department inputs salary change upon receipt of a signed acceptance
Faculty Awards Managed by APO 1. Eminent Scholar 2. University Scholar 3. Academy of Distinguished Teachers -Innovative Teaching Award
Pre-Retirement Recall: Guidelines for Faculty Recalled for Post-Retirement Teaching APM 200 – Appendix A Eligibility: Faculty 60 years of age or older,vested for at least 5 years in retirement system – Timing and Duration of Appointment: the recall period may be up to three academic years, subject to annual renewal after the agreed initial period.Negotiated with the administration – Compensation: In general, the recall rate for academic-year appointees will be 1/9th of the base salary at the time of retirement per quarter course, not to exceed the current salary rate for Professor, Step VII.
Pre-Retirement Recall Guidelines for Faculty Recalled for Post-Retirement Teaching APM 200 – Appendix A (continued) – Appointment and Space Assignment: The recall appointment effort may not exceed 46% time. However, due to potential Medicare complications, recall appointments will generally be 43% time or less. – Benefits: Recalled faculty may contribute to the 403(b) Plan and 457(b) Plan. Health benefits are determined by the terms of the recall appointment.
Off-Scale Salaries How / when an off-scale can be awarded 1. At appointment 2. At retention 3. At merit / promotion (normally as ½ step with return to scale at next advance & with vote from dept, dean and CAP) 4. Special UCOP Equity Merit Pool- $370,000 -CAP policy on equity merits
Leaves of Absence 1. Leaves of seven days (APM 752) Leave form not required for leaves of 7 consecutive calendar days or less. 2. Leaves of 30 days for scholarly purposes Fiscal year (APM )– No leaves with pay of greater than 30 days to attend conferences and related scholarly activities. Academic year (APM & 730-0) – No provision for leaves of 30 days. Faculty should consult with Deans for grant related leaves to consider a partial researcher title code. 3. Vacation Leaves (APM 730) Fiscal year – Do accrue vacation. Absences during quarter break are not vacation. Academic year – Do not accrue vacation. Absences during quarter break and summer are not vacation
Updates 1. Discussion of Submitted work 2. On-line Files 5 departments across campus will be asked to participate in pilot program this fall 3. Faculty Hiring Toolkit: appointment procedures, coming soon New section on negotiation procedures is under way 4. APO staff rovers
Updates (continued) 5.File Status: 100% of merits due in APO 2/27 All Promotions due in APO by 2/10 CNAS – 38% of merits received (31 of 81) COE – 53% of merits received (10 of 19) AGSM – 100% of merits received (6 of 6) CHASS – 38% of merits received (30 of 78) GSOE – 86% of merits received (6 of 7) CNAS – 46% of promotions received (6 of 13) COE – 86% of promotions received (6 of 7) CHASS – 27% of promotions received (4 of 15) GSOE – 67% of promotions received (2 of 3)