Podkarpackie Region
WARSAW Rzeszow Location – Podkarpackie Region The Podkarpackie area is km². Border crossings with Slovakia & Ukraine: 4 railway border crossings 5 road border crossings
Important transport routes: International road No 4 (E-40) National road No 9 (E- 371) National road No 19 Railway main line E-30 A4 Motorway ( under construction) S19 Ekspressway ( under construction International Airport 3 domestic Airports Transport connections
Located 10 km from Rzeszów m long runway (the second-longest in Poland). Runway suitable for landing of all types of planes, even the biggest passenger airplanes. Increasing number of handled passengers. New passenger terminal under construction (tripled area of the terminal which will be able to handle maximum 700 passengers per hour). Rzeszów - Jasionka International Airport
Scheduled flights: Frankfurt Bristol Birmingham Dublin East Midlands Gdańsk Liverpool London Stansted London Luton Warsaw Manchester Charter flights: Egipt Tunisia Greece Turkey New York Tunisia Greece Turkey International Airport
Statistics – Podkarpackie Region 2.1 million inhabitants % of Poland population Population per 1 sq. km – 118 Population under the age 25 – 36 % The number of enterprises – Enterprises with foreign capital: 885 Average monthly gross salaries in enterprise sector ,33 PLN
There are more than 400 high schools and 17 universities (of which 7 located in Rzeszow) in Podkarpackie Region. The total number of students in Podkarpackie Region in academic year 2009/2010 was Human resources Rzeszow University of Technology is the only educational facility in the country that enables to obtain a civil pilot license. Each year on the the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics students are taught on four faculties: Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Automatic Control Engineering and Robotics, Management and Production Engineering, Aeronautics and Space Technology. Higher educational institutions University of Rzeszów Rzeszów University of Technology School of Law and Public Administration University of Information Technology and Management Students 2008/ Graduates
The most important industries in the region are aviation, mechanical, plastic materials, pharmaceutical and automotive. Economy The top four of foreign investors in Podkarpackie Region: USA 44,1%; Austria 13,2%; Germany 10,08%; France 7,5%.
Examples of foreign investors in Podkarpackie Region Examples of foreign investors in Podkarpackie Region Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation MTU Aero Engines Pratt & Whitney United Technologies BorgWarner Inc. Corporation, Delphi Automotive Systems The Goodyear Tire Rubber Company Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Lear Corporation Kronospan Holdings GOODRICH The Goodyear Company in Podkarpackie
SEZ EURO - PARK Mielec, EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN and science, industrial and technology parks offer excellent development conditions for present and potential entrepreneurs. Investment possibilities Areas located in Podkarpackie Region and incorporated in SEZ are as following: SEZ Mielec 886 ha and SEZ Tarnobrzeg 655 ha.
Aviation Valley Association Members 18 83Employment Podkarpackie Region is a place of a large concentration of aviation industry (almost 90% of Polish production). Since 2003 an Aviation Valley Association have been operating here, which is promoting aviation industry on domestic and foreign markets.
Inward Investment Center Inward Investment Centre provides legal and advisory services for investors. Main tasks of the Center are: Support for investors throught the investment process Preparing complex information for investors Updating database about investment areas and properties Organizing trade missions Economic promotion of the region In May 2003 due to an initiative of Rzeszow Regional Development Agency an agreement was signed to establish Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS, which is: one of the most attractive investment areas in south-eastern Poland the offer of fully equipped land incorporated in SEZ EUROPARK Mielec the premises of Academic Preincubator, which role in to support young entrepreneurs the 1st branch park in the country, which task is to sustain deeply-rooted traditions of aviation industry
one of the most attractive investment areas in south-eastern Poland the 1st branch park in the country, which task is to sustain deeply-rooted traditions of aviation industry the offer of fully equipped land incorporated in SEZ EUROPARK Mielec the premises of Academic Preincubator, which role in to support young entrepreneurs Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS: Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS
S 1 S 2 S 3 S 1-3 The S1 Zone The S1 Zone (70 ha), Adjacent to airport/Jasionka S2 Zone S2 Zone (47ha), The Zone of Enhanced Business Activity/Rogoźnica S3 Zone - S3 Zone - Academic Preincubator PSTP/ Rzeszów University of Technology II stage of AEROPOLIS S 3 S 2 S 1 S 1-3 Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS
S1 Zone : 70 hectares of green-field area included entirely to Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK Mielec The companies from aerospace, electro-machinig, electronic and IT industries Estimated employment – 1800 people Estimated investment value 500 mln PLN AEROPOLIS
The area of 47,71 ha, entirely included into SEZ EURO-PARK Mielec Chemical, plastics, electro-machinig industries Target employment level – 1300 Perspective investment value – 400 mln PLN AEROPOLIS – S2 ZONE
Equipping in technical infrastructure of 51 ha (100% owned by Voivodship Local Government) Building and equipping of 4 scientific-research laboratories Building of Technical Incubator The total budget – 60 mln PLN (financed from EU funds: Development of Eastern Poland Operational Programme) Estimated date of competing the investment – II Stage of AEROPOLIS
The Research Laboratories for Rzeszów University of Technology The Research Laboratories for Rzeszów University of Technology is designed for conducting studies connected with aviation mainly in construction and material. The Laboratory of Biotechnology will be located at the University of Rzeszów. II stage II Stage of AEROPOLIS
Technological Incubator the Technological Incubator, together with the Administrative Centre of PSTP AEROPOLIS The purpose of creating the Technological Incubator, together with the Administrative Centre of PSTP AEROPOLIS, is to create a place for small companies to conduct their business activity (5300 sq.m.). The premises will be for rent and will be suitable for production and rendering services. II stage II Stage of AEROPOLIS
Inward Investment Centre Rzeszów , ul. Szopena 51 Tel (+48 17) ,Fax (+48 17)