s300Team 04 milestone #5 Developer Internal Review
Joomla Online News System The News system prototype is based on the Joomla news publish system. Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
Joomla Online News System Joomla is used all over the world to power Web sites of all shapes and sizes. For example: Corporate Web sites or portals Corporate intranets and extranets Online magazines, newspapers, and publications E-commerce and online reservations Government applications Small business Web sites Non-profit and organizational Web sites Community-based portals School and church Web sites Personal or family homepages
Who uses Joomla? United Nations (Governmental organization) - MTV Networks Quizilla (Social networking) - L.A. Weekly (Online publication) - IHOP (Restaurant chain) - Harvard University (Educational) - Citibank (Financial institution intranet) - Not publicly accessible The Green Maven (Eco-resources) - Outdoor Photographer (Magazine) - PlayShakespeare.com (Cultural) - Senso Interiors (Furniture design) -
The Tasks Function of Our Online News System Single user account. Data is stored in text files. Formatting text by BBCode. Posts can be filed under multiple categories. Custom publishing date. Automatically generated archives and RSS feed. Time zone and locale adjustment. Flood protection, word filter, IP blocking. Spell-check (PSpell required).PSpell Allow/disallow comments per post. Search-engine friendly URLs. Customizable templates.
The Interface of Joomla
The Administration System
The Development Environment
The XAMPP System XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start. The distribution for Windows 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP and Vista. This version contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP + PEAR, Perl, mod_php, mod_perl, mod_ssl, OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer, Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v3.32, Ming, JpGraph, FileZilla FTP Server, mcrypt, eAccelerator, SQLite, and WEB-DAV + mod_auth_mysql.
The Installing of Joomla
The Finish installing System
The News System prototype
The Top-side Tab catalog The Top-side Tab catalog to list all the classification of topic
The environment Setting The Administrator account ACCOUNT(default): “admin” PW(default):“admin” Mysql account ACCOUNT(default): “root” PW(default):“”
Scenario User Profile Administrator Set up the Online News System. Add/remove different component to the system according to the editor’s requirements. Login user Use the system to manage and submit the news. Guest Browsing the Online News web site.
Scenario NameInitialize the system Scenario Codes300Team04-SCE-101 ActorsA: Administrator Flow of Events 1.Login the Online News System Back Stage 2.Clicks “ Category Manager ” to manage the news category. 3.Return to the main page. 4.Clicks “ Section Manager ” to manage the news section. 5.Return to the main page. 6.Clicks “ User Manager ” to manage the login user account. 7.Return to the main page. 8.Clicks “ Front Page Manager ” to manage the Home page 9.Return to the main page. 10.Clicks “ Language Manager ” to select web site language. 11.Return to the main page. 12.Clicks “ Menu Manager ” to manage navigation menu. 13.Return to the main page. 14.Clicks “ Add New Article ” to add new article. 15.Return to the main page. 16.Clicks “ Media Manager ” to manager website icons or images. 17.Return to the main page. 18.Clicks “ Global Configuration ” to configure web site status. 19.Return to the main page. 20.Click the “ Logout ” button to leave the system.
Scenario Scenario NameUser login Scenario Codes300Team04-SCE-102 ActorsE: Login User Flow of Events 1.Login the Online News System Front Stage 2.On the user menu, E clicks “ Your Details ” to review or modify the user detail. 3.On the user menu, E clicks “ Submit an Article ” to submit an article. 4.On the user menu, E clicks “ Submit a Web Link ” to add a web link. 5.E clicks the “ Logout ” button to leave the system.
Scenario Scenario NameBrowsing the Web Site Scenario Codes300Team04-SCE-103 ActorG: Guest Flow of Events 1.G go to the home page 2.G clicks the icon on the left top of a news block to get PDF file. 3.G clicks the icon on the left top of a news block to print out the news. 4.G clicks the icon on the left top of a news block to send the news. 5.G input text into search textbox and press Enter to search
Home Page Format In Home page I can see what news is Latest post and what news are more popular!
The News Block You can see each news are show in a block Each news also has tree function: PDF Format Print on a page Send mail
PDF Format function You can easily to get the PDF format about the news to make the collection
The printing function
Sending function
The News Searching Function
RSS System Support Also you can see the RSS function service button on the left-bottom side.
Outline Web link page You can add the useful link here, to make website more powerful.
Front Stage User Login After login you can see the user menu is introduced.
Front Stage User Login You can submit a new news by the Front Stage immediately.
The Topic Polls You can add the question on home page, and setup several option to be choice, each day just can vote once! More detail that can manage by back stage management.
The Topic Polls Also you can see the result immediately
More management? The back stage management
You can see more details!
Thanks Personal Contribution Here is the work division in milestone #6. Template Design: Goblin Test part and screen shot capture: Ben & Mark Use Case, Scenario and Report: Max Review: Ben & Mark