Course Orientation Nursing 607
Welcome to Nursing 607 Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning for Advanced Practice Nursing Nursing 607 is a three credit hour course that focuses on diagnostic reasoning models and theories utilizing knowledge of advanced health assessment and development of individuals in groups and communities throughout the life cycle. Emphasis is on multi-generational, gender, and cultural/ethnic issues. The course is offered online over a complete semester.
Where to Find It on Moodle Welcome to our class – In this section you will find announcements, course orientation PowerPoint, the course syllabus and the weekly schedule (The schedule includes the dates of each week, the content or units of study for the week, and any assignments to be completed during the week). Grading rubrics will be attached to assignments.. Once you have reviewed the syllabus please complete the syllabus verification.
Where to Find It on Moodle Topics – Includes your assigned readings, “lecture” notes, and any assignments. Please carefully review the course schedule for due dates and times. Exams - A unit exam will be given after completion of topics 1-3, after completion of topics 4-6, and after completion of topics Live meeting dates are tentative and are optional. Attendance can be counted toward clinical hours. Final check-off attendance is mandatory.
Evaluation Methods Exams – There will be three exams (60%). Assignments – There will be five focused assessment assignments that will be worth six points each (30%) and one comprehensive history and physical assignment worth (10%) Clinical check off attendance is mandatory: pass/fail
Netiquette The rules of etiquette that apply when communicating electronically. Some of these include the following: Spell check and proof read all posts Do not use all caps – it is the equivalent of shouting! Do not flame - a “flame” is a personal insult Do not use inappropriate language Maintain civility and decorum in all communications The Golden Rule of Netiquette: Do unto others as you would have done to you!
Grading ICMSN Grading Scale: A = B = 84.5 – C = 76.5 – D = 68.5 – F = 0 – 68.49
Textbooks Bickley, L.S. & Szilagyi, P.G. (2013) Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking. (11th ed) and videos Philadelphia: Lippincott. Book and DVDs Pagana, K.D. & Pagana T.J. (2014). Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests. (5th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier.
Course Technology Requirements 1. You will need Microsoft Word and PowerPoint for class assignments. You will also need internet access for assignments 2. You will need to be able to send and check and post to the discussion board. 3. You will need to incorporate technology requirements to test via Respondus lock-down browser and Respondus monitor
Your Responsibilities Read the course syllabus and schedule, and know the dates/times of all assignments and exams Complete the Course Syllabus/Policy Validation Check your daily, M-F Log on to the course Moodle site at least 4 days each week Read the contents of each Topics Complete the assigned textbook readings Use proper “ Netiquette” in all posts Follow all Academic Integrity Policies in completion of course assignments and exams
Instructor Responsibilities Post announcements and/or send s about courses changes and updates as needed Check Southeastern Daily, M-F Respond to students’ s within hrs, M-F Log on to the course Moodle site at least 4 days each week to monitor student activity Post grades within 7-10 business days of the due date