We are learning to: - Enhance our Mathematical learning skills. (Which Enterprise skills?) -Accurately identify and find alternate and corresponding angles. (Level 6) Always aim high! LESSON OBJECTIVES Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? Where are we in our journey? Real life cross/curricular links? AUTHOR
STARTER Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? EXTENSION TASK 1) Work out the missing angles below: 1) 20° b c 2) d 35° Vertically opposite angles are equal 20° Angles on a straight line add to 180° 160° Angles on a straight line add to 180° 145° 3) 135° 115° f Angles around point add to 360° 110° 4) 110° 85° 80° i Angles in a quadrilateral add to 360° 85° Work out the missing angles below: g h 30° 73° Angles in a triangle add to 180° 77° Angles on a straight line add to 180° 103° 2) 44° 82° j k Vertically opposite angles are equal 44° 90° Angles in a quadrilateral add to 360° 144°
INTRODUCTION Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? Parallel Lines Lines which are an equal distance apart and never meet. Arrows move in the same direction. These lines are parallel This line is called a transversal
INTRODUCTION Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? TASK – INVESTIGATION In groups, discuss and find connections between the different angles below as positive thinkers and creative entrepreneurs. a b c d e f g h Apart from vertically opposite angles being equal, angles on a straight line adding to 180° and angles around a point adding to 360°, you also need to learn that alternate angles are the same and corresponding angles are the same c = f because of alternate angles (Z-shaped) d = e because of alternate angles (Z-shaped)
INTRODUCTION Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? TASK – INVESTIGATION In groups, discuss and find connections between the different angles below as positive thinkers and creative entrepreneurs. a b c d e f g h d = h because of corresponding angles (F-shaped) c = g because of corresponding angles (F-shaped)
INTRODUCTION Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? TASK – INVESTIGATION In groups, discuss and find connections between the different angles below as positive thinkers and creative entrepreneurs. a b c d e f g h b = f because of corresponding angles (F-shaped) a = e because of corresponding angles (F-shaped)
Effective Participator Self Manager Independent Enquirer Creative Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Which ones are you using?PLT Skills PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES SAME ALTERNATE ANGLES (Z – shaped) SAME
Effective Participator Self Manager Independent Enquirer Creative Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Which ones are you using?PLT Skills PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES CORRESPONDING ANGLES (F – shaped) SAME
Effective Participator Self Manager Independent Enquirer Creative Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner PLT Skills Which ones are you using? PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES EXAMPLES (a) Calculate the missing angles and give reasons why. ALTERNATE CORRESPONDING 60º a b (b) (c) 30º c d e 38º 142º f g h a = 60º (Corresponding angles) b = 120º (Angles on a straight line) c = 30º (Alternate angles) d = 150º (Angles on a straight line) e =150º (Vertically opposite angles) f = 38º (Alternate angles) g =38º (Angles on a straight line) h =104º (Angles in a triangle)
Effective Participator Self Manager Independent Enquirer Creative Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner PLT Skills Which ones are you using? TASK 1 (LEVEL 6) PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES Work out the size of the lettered angles and give reasons why. 1) (a)(b)(c) (d) (e) (f) 70 ° Alternate Angles 125° Corresponding Angles 160° 48° 75° 57 ° Alternate Angles Corresponding Angles Alternate Angles Corresponding Angles
Effective Participator Self Manager Independent Enquirer Creative Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner PLT Skills Which ones are you using? TASK 2 (LEVEL 6) 1) PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES Calculate the missing angles and state reasons why. 2)3) 4) 5)6)7) 8) 9)10)11) 12) a 120º b 70º d 47º c 50º e f 42º g h 68º 111º i j 37º k l m o p 105º q r s t 134º 150º u v w x z 147º y 120º 70º 130º 47º 42º 138º 112º 68º 111º 69º 37º 143º 37º 105º 75º 134º 46º 134º 30º 150º 30º 147º
Effective Participator Self Manager Independent Enquirer Creative Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner PLT Skills Which ones are you using? EXTENSION (LEVEL 6) PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES Work out the size of the lettered angles 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 75º 85º 42º 90º 65º 115º 65º 115º 33º 147º 98º 118º 83º 35º
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? MINI-PLENARY ACTIVITY STAND UP → TRUE SIT DOWN → FALSE PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES 43° Corresponding angles are equal REASON
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? MINI-PLENARY ACTIVITY STAND UP → TRUE SIT DOWN → FALSE PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES 123° Corresponding angles are equal REASON 123°
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? MINI-PLENARY ACTIVITY STAND UP → TRUE SIT DOWN → FALSE PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES 135° Alternate angles are equal REASON
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? MINI-PLENARY ACTIVITY STAND UP → TRUE SIT DOWN → FALSE PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES 135° 45° Corresponding angles REASON Interior angles (C – shaped) add up to 180°
DISCOVERY LINK BACK TO OBJECTIVES - Accurately identify and find alternate and corresponding angles. What level are we working at? Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY - BOYS VERSUS GIRLS BALL PIT RACE Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT 56° PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY - BOYS VERSUS GIRLS BALL PIT RACE Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT 100° PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY - BOYS VERSUS GIRLS BALL PIT RACE Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT 91° PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY - BOYS VERSUS GIRLS BALL PIT RACE Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT 72° PARALLEL LINES AND ANGLES
. How well do you understand the task? I don’t understand I nearly understand I fully understand Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? SELF ASSESSMENT Plenary Activity