AIAA Aerospace Sciences Group TC Presentation Fluids Conference Chicago, Il 28 June – 1 July 2010
2 Overview Aerospace Sciences Group Leadership Team ASM, NHF & Aerospace Expo Site Selection TC Reminders TC Issues Questions?
3 Flight Sciences Deputy Directors Jim Keenan Bill West Applied Aerodynamics Rob Vermeland / TBD (2012) Astrodynamics Thomas Starchville / TBD (2012) Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Steve Dunn / Agomemnon Crassidis (2011) Guidance, Navigation, and Control John Schierman / TBD (2012) Modeling and Simulation Edward Burnett / TBD (2011) Aerospace Sciences Group Leadership Team David R. Riley - Director Fluid Sciences Deputy Directors Allen Arrington (leaving) Tom Beutner Aeroacoustics Anthony Pilon / Krishna Viswanathan (2011) Aerodynamic Measurement Technology James Gord / Mark Sheplak (2012) Atmospheric and Space Environments Andy Broeren / Nelson Green (2011) Fluid Dynamics Meelan Choudhari / John Schmisseur (2011) Ground Test Joe Patrick / Ray Castner (2012) Meshing, Visualization, & Comp. Env. David Thompson/ William Jones (2011) Plasmadynamics and Lasers Eric Jumper / David Carroll (2011) Thermophysics Ab Hashemi / TBD (2012)
4 ASM, NHF & Aerospace Expo Site Selection 2011: Orlando, FL (Marriott World Center)* 2012: Nashville, TN (Gaylord Opryland) 2013: Grapevine, TX (Gaylord Texan) 2014: Potomac, MD (Gaylord National) 2015: Orlando, FL (Gaylord Palms) 2016: San Diego, CA (Manchester Grand Hyatt) 2017: Grapevine, TX (Gaylord Texan) 2018: Orlando, FL (Gaylord Palms) * 2011 ASM starts on TUESDAY January 4 due to New Year’s Day! Most activities are shifted by one day (January 4th through 7th). Please consult the committee listing for additional details.
5 ASM, NHF & Aerospace Expo Site Selection (cont’d) 2011 Marriott World Center Orlando, FL 2012 Gaylord Opryland Nashville, TN 2015, 2018 Gaylord Palms Orlando, FL 2014 Gaylord National Potomac, MD 2013, 2017 Gaylord Texan Grapevine, TX 2016 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA
6 TC Reminder: TC-Sponsored Workshops Two types Part of conference program (included in conference planning and expenses) Before or after conference (can be included in conference planning and expenses but have not been in many cases) Issue: Financial risk to Institute Please include in conference planning form so workshop expenses can be accounted for ahead of time and meeting space is covered Workshops strongly supported by TAC!!
7 TC Reminder: TC Funds ASG is still leaving more than 50% of our funds on the table each year ($9,100/Year Total for ASG) VP TAC is very receptive to Student Paper Award Proposals Need good, creative ideas (with technical content) from TCs so we can utilize the funds for what they were intended!!! Recent approved items TC Polo shirts (TAC paid ½) Student recognition (e.g. Student Paper Award Fee) Bus transportation for TC academic site visit Still Time for FY10: Fiscal Year ends 30 September
8 TC Issues: Conference Improvement ASM Revamped starting in 2009 by adding New Horizons Forum & Expo (Revolutionary) Continuously looking for improvements through comments & suggestions Ways to improve other ASG conferences? High-level speakers Modified conference format Workshops & Special sessions 8
9 TC Issues: Chair-Elects Selection: Make sure to get Chair-Elects selected immediately after you take over as Chair in May Timeline: Take office 1 May Select Chair-Elect by December of that year Chair-Elect training: Get Chair-Elect trained the following January at ASM. Chair-Elect can act as your deputy for 1 ½ years while you serve as Chair! Some TCs have the Chair-Elect serve as Secretary, which is an excellent idea!! Remember that TC Chair position is for 2 years!!
10 TC Issues: TC Member Responsibilities Maintain current AIAA Membership (must be an AIAA member) Recruit new TC members Submit names for AIAA awards Submit names for AIAA elected offices Propose membership upgrades Propose session papers for AIAA journals 10
11 TC Issues: Several Conference Site Selection Need to set up conference location 3-4 years into future Preferred date flexibility & more competitive hotel contract Technical Committee size 35 US Members Associated members 34 years old or younger International members Must get approval of ASG Director or Dep. Director to extend TC member beyond 3 year term Cost to AIAA when TC membership goes above ~50 –Dinner cost –Audio Visual (AV) and speaker system 2011 Congressional Visits Day TCs being canvassed for current Aerospace issues 11
12 Questions or Concerns? 12 Where’s the Sears Tower???