Welcome Year 6 Information Evening
Aims of the evening To develop understanding of S.A.T.s. To develop understanding of teacher assessments. To discuss ways you can help.
What is expected from Year 6 in writing and maths? A high standard. Punctuation and handwriting/presentation important. Investigative work. Showing how an answer was achieved. Spellings, punctuation and grammar.
What are S.A.T.s? A snapshot of where a child is in that week. Tests conducted in exam conditions in the school hall/classroom. Timed work. Externally marked. Children will be assessed as working at/above/below ARE (Age Related Expectations).
Children will no longer be given a ‘level’ for each subject. Instead, there will be ‘scaled scores’ where 100 will represent the national standard. Scaled Scores The old national curriculum levels are not relevant to the new national curriculum.
A pupil’s scaled score will be based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. The pupil’s raw score will be translated into a scaled score using a conversion table. A pupil who achieves the national standard will have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests. This will mean that they are well placed to succeed in the next phase of their education. Scaled Scores
Test Results The KS2 test results will be published in July Each pupil registered for the tests will receive: A raw score (number of raw marks awarded). A scaled score. Confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard.
What SATs Tests are there? Reading Test - 60 minutes Pupils read three texts and answer comprehension questions about each of them.
What SATs Tests are there? Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) Test – 60 minutes Pupils complete a spelling test with 20 words and a separate punctuation and grammar test.
What SATs Tests are there? 2 x Mathematical Reasoning Tests - 40 minutes each Pupils are allowed pencils, rubbers, rulers and mirrors. NO calculators or tracing paper.
What SATs Tests are there? Arithmetic paper - 30 minutes Pupils answer 36 questions in 30 minutes. They are only allowed pencils and rubbers.
Writing Writing is marked internally and not based on one test. All pupils’ writing in their books will be taken into account.
Science 1900 schools will be piloting science SATs this year in June. We do not know if we have been selected yet.
What are teacher assessments? Teacher assessments are also passed to your child’s secondary school. A broader picture of a child’s academic achievements. Based on a wide knowledge of the child. Equal weighting to test grade. Professional judgement.
SATs Timetable DateTest Monday 9 th May 2016Reading Test Tuesday 10 th May 2016Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Tests Wednesday 11 th May 2016Paper 1 Arithmetic Test Paper 2 Reasoning Test Thursday 12 th May 2016Paper 3 Reasoning Test
Absence/Special Arrangements If a pupil is absent on the day of a test, they will NOT be given the test on another day. Only very rarely, pupils will receive additional time and/or a reader. This must be part of normal class routine.
KS2 Interim Assessment Framework This lists what your children are expected to do/know by the end of year 6. You will be given a copy today.
How can parents help? Read with and discuss a text (not necessarily a story) that is mutually enjoyable. Opportunities for writing – lists, instructions, diaries, letters as well as stories. Support and encourage revision (revisewise). Supporting maths as we teach it! Times tables are really useful too! What have you done in school today? Why did you do that? How did you do that? A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast!
What next? Parents’ evening to discuss progress and where to go next. Booster sessions in school. Lessons targeting the children’s needs generally. Mock S.A.T. papers Fun and enjoyment of learning! There will be a breakfast club during SATs week.