Opener #10 Week of
1.Campers rely frequently on flashlights. 2. the pandas belonging to the zoo 3. The fruit of the Sandbox Tree, native to South America explodes its seeds up to a distance of fifteen feet! 4. Opera singers have (drank, drunk) special brews for their voices for centuries. 5. During class on Thursday
Root: junct, join, jug Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the root) Affix: (prefix) inter- Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the affix)
6. Most of the old Olympic Village buildings (need/needs) repainting. 7. The children decided to stop whining and to do something useful. 8. I need to buy a backpack before school starts. 9. Most sixteen-year-olds are (already/all ready) driving. 10. Past tense of know
Spelling/Misuse Copy the words and definitions. a lot: indefinite article (a) followed by a noun (lot) meaning many of something allot: to give out, to apportion, to divide, or to distribute “alot” is NOT a word Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with principle or principal. 1.I know _____ about precious stones. 2.I will _____ a radio to each group. 3.Mark has _____ of toys. 4.I like you _____.
Minimum of 5 Sentences Check your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization Prompt:What is the meaning of the quote listed? Explain your answer.
11. Performing in public is easier for Bill than (she, her). 12. I find myself fascinated by this project. 13. Maybe (you’re, your) sister will be the winner. 14. The Olympic motto is “Citius, Alitius, Fortuis.” It is Latin for “Faster, Higher, Braver.” 15. periodical
Root: rupt Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the root) Affix: (prefix) intra- Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the affix)
16. Line up in your positions for the next kick off 17. Becoming an engineer has been a lifetime dream. 18. A float without flowers has never been allowed in the Rose Parade. 19. weve been to charleston south carolina twice this summer 20. Either one of the new movies would be fine with me.
Idiom Draw the chart and fill in each side with a picture and a 2 sentence explanation. Use the idiom in a sentence. An expression of figurative language that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but has a meaning of its own as a whole phrase. When waiting on the job offer, I was on pins and needles. I really needed the job! Literal = word for word Figurative = as a whole Idiom: LiteralFigurative Sentence: _________________________ Idiom: ______ = Meaning: ______