Antarctica The South Pole Arctic Ocean (北冰洋) The North Pole B A Two ends of the world Where is the South Pole?
South Pole penguins
Animals in South Pole: Sea lion penguins Whale walrus
North Pole Polar bear
walrus Animals in North Pole: Arctic fox Polar bear seal Arctic wolf reindeer whale Arctic hare
Why do polar bears never eat penguins? Polar bears live only on the North Pole while penguins live only on the South Pole.
Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole. What will you take with you? why? boots cap Cotton clothes gloves Sleeping bag dark sunglasses rope
backpack tent compass alpenstock radio transmitter sled cellphone ice pick
Alone in Antarctica Why Who When What
When: Who: What: Why: On Nov.1 st.1997 A sixty-year-old woman Made a journey of challenge & danger To celebrate her 60 th birthday On Nov.1 st.1997,A sixty-year-old woman Made a journey of challenge & danger to celebrate her 60 th birthday. Expedition Adventure Solo travel
Time Ways Result Destination Reason Process: Antarctica To celebrate her 60 th birthday November 1st–22nd, 1997 Walk and ski alone An experience of solo travel
TimeWeatherWhat did she do? What happened to her? Fine, icy, not strong Began her almost 400-mile journey Stormy weather, winds increased Spend a whole day in her tent, traveled only 2 hours a day Storm died down Enjoy her birthday Storm died down Fell into a hole/got out (self rescue) Cold wind Had an accident/hurt her leg Struggled to her knees Nov rd ~11 th 12 th 13 th ~21 st 22 nd Back
1.What kind of woman is Helen Thayer? ( Tick the words that can be used to describe her & give your reasons ) Do you admire her? Why? Strong Skillful Stupid Calm Experienced Optimistic Weak Wise Romantic Responsible Crazy Selfish Determined Miserable √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ × × × × Brave √
1.Oral task: Try to retell the story. 2.Surf the Internet to find more information about Helen Thayer. 3.Self-study: Underline the useful expression in the text and try to find out the meanings.