S.Gascon-Shotkin, D. Boutigny, Bernard ILLE April 7th-9th, 20103rd FCPPL Welcome to Lyon Villeurbanne
2 April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL CC-IN2P3 LMA (Virgo) IPNL Google maps CNRS/IN2P3 Lyon 1 University
3 April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL CC-IN2P3 COMPUTING CENTER Presentation of the CC-IN2P3 CC-IN2P3 is the CNRS / IN2P3 computing center in partnership with CEA/DSM/Irfu
4 CC-IN2P3 COMPUTING CENTER 83 people in total – mainly computing engineers CC-IN2P3 provides computing resources for all the experiments in HEP – Nuclear Physics and Astroparticles supported by IN2P3 and / or Irfu CC-IN2P3 is a Tier-1 for the 4 LHC experiments A special connection with China exists, as IHEP is within the French Tier-1 cloud for ATLAS CC-IN2P3 is playing a key role for all the Grid activities in France Grid operation Since recently CC-IN2P3 is also involved in IT research Goal: to build a bridge between production and research April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL
5 April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL IPN Lyon Presentation of the Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
6 April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL Who is IPNLyon? Joint laboratory (UMR5822) between CNRS (IN2P3) and University (Claude Bernard Lyon 1, PRES Lyon) ~ 220 people in total 76 Permanent Research Staff 34 CNRS, 42 Academic 72 Permanent Technical Staff 62 CNRS, 10 University 40 Graduate students ~ 30 Non-permanent (Postdocs, ATERs, CDDs)
7 April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL Physics at IPNL A wide range of subjects in subatomic physics Collider physics: D0, LHC (CMS, ALICE), ILC Nuclear Physics: GANIL, SPIRAL2 Neutrinos and Astroparticles: OPERA, T2K, EDELWEISS, SNIFS Theory: Quantum Physics, Subatomic Shysics & H.E. Sciences of Radiation: Ions/(bio)matter interactions, Hadrontherapy (ETOILE), Electronuclear Cycle Research Detectors R&D: EBCMOS
8 April 7th-9th, rd FCPPL Conclusion Lyon and Villeurbanne welcome you Have a very productive workshop and a nice stay in our cities !