INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE TNC 2005 Networking activities in EGEE Mathieu Goutelle (CNRS UREC, France) EGEE-SA2 activity Poznan (PL),
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), EGEE in a nutshell A 2-year European project within a 4-year program ( ), 70 partners (850 people involved) across 27 countries, about €32M for the first two years, Federate regional and national grid in a seamless infrastructure: More than 120 sites across the world, More than CPUs, More than 5 PB storage. A new middleware ― gLite ― based on many of the preceding ones, Applications: High Energy Physics (LHC), Biomedical applications, Earth Science and Geophysics, Computational Chemistry, …… With the network in between!
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Computing Resources – Apr Country providing resources Country anticipating joining In LCG-2: 131 sites, 30 countries more than 12,000 CPU about 5 PB storage Includes non-EGEE sites: 9 countries 20 sites
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), EGEE Networking Activities SA2: Network Resource Provision –Technical Network Liaison Committee, –Operational interface with NRENs, –SLAs installation between EGEE Network (Geant & NRENs). JRA4: Network Services Development –Network Performance Monitoring, –Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation, –IPv6 Uptake. Building important working relation between EGEE and the network providers (Geant & NRENs)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Our approach Network must be viewed as a class of Grid resource: –Like computing and storage resources, –Implies a network resource provisioning architecture, –Problem to manage a resource outside the EGEE world! This resource depends on the network services provided by the network providers (NRENs, Geant): –Current services: Premium IP (even not in all NRENs), –We need to anticipate on the future GN2 services: Currently in the definition process, GN2 project started 6 months later than EGEE. Network Activities work in a long term perspective: –Most of the tasks started from scratch: Operational interface, SLA, NPM, BAR… Except the monitoring tools coming from past projects (Datagrid WP7).
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Operational interface Define the interactions between the Grid User support and the NREN NOCs: SLA management (processing, installation, monitoring), Trouble management (reporting, interactions). –Definition of procedures and information flows between NOCs and EGEE: Need of a consistent view of the “EGEE network”, Need to evaluate its reliability and the quality of the services, Will not replace the current interactions between a resource centre and its NREN. Progressive integration into the existing Global Grid User Support (GGUS, –Single entry point for the support to the Grid users, –Difficulties remain (trouble tickets normalization, languages…).
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), GEANT/NRENs notification handling NREN GEANT Filtering Network related Handling Procedure TTS Create an assigned ticket ENOC notifications
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Troubleshooting workflow Problem assignment Problem signalling
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), SLA SLA definition: –Based on previous work and answers inside EGEE and from GN2 to some open issues (procedures, demarcation point…), –Definition in cooperation with GN2. EGEE end-to-end SLA template: –SLA between the border of the NRENs cloud (border-to-border SLA), –Difficulty to accommodate and take into account the “last mile”.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), SLA institution scenarios All domains involved in network services provisioning to EGEE as part of the existing network infrastructure hierarchy have to be categorized as: –Compliant with the Premium IP service –Supportive of the Premium IP service –Indifferent to the Premium IP service
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), QoS experiment Network service use case for an application: –Choice of a particular “interactive” application, –Aim: Better knowledge of the SLA processing, Better specifications of the applications requirements, Precision about procedures and identified issues. Status: –Validation on a local platform: Validation of middleware modifications (packets marking), Validation of the experimental protocol. –Tests on long distance networks: First in the same administrative domain (Renater), Then, tests involving three different networks, Involved networks: Renater, GEANT, GRNET.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Athens, Greece The picture GEANT Renater GRNET The first router remarks packets with the standard DSCP value for PIP (46). Tag IP packets with an “inoffensive” (< 40) DSCP value (16 in the experiment). Lyon, France
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), EGEE Networking Activities SA2: Network Resource Provision –Technical Network Liaison Committee, –Operational interface with NRENs, –SLAs installation between EGEE Network (Geant & NRENs). JRA4: Network Services Development –Network Performance Monitoring, –Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation, –IPv6 uptake.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Network Performance Monitoring JRA4 approach: Standardization of access to network performance monitoring across different domains and frameworks, GGF NM-WG recommendation is the selected basis for standardisation. Purpose: –Provide to Grid operations networking information for monitoring and troubleshooting, –SLA monitoring, –Information publication in the Grid Information System. Potential user : middleware, end-user, Grid operations Status: –Prototype ready (demo during the last GGF), –Security (on-going work inside EGEE), –Work on the interactions with the middleware.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Network Performance Monitoring End Site EDG WP7 NM-WG Backbone Perfmonit NM-WG End Site Home grown NM-WG Backbone PiPEs NM-WG Backbone GN2 NM-WG Some Client
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Network Performance Monitoring End Site EDG WP7 NM-WG Backbone Perfmonit NM-WG End Site Home grown NM-WG Backbone PiPEs NM-WG Backbone GN2 NM-WG JRA4 NPM Mediator NM-WG Diagnostic Client
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), BAR Purpose: –Provide Grid users the ability to use network services (reservations), –Interface with the mechanisms that will be available in the network, –Will first propose the Premium IP service. Status: –Step-by-step integration with the network services: Static configuration between 2 backbone sites ― june 2005, Investigation of the “last mile” problem ― oct. 2005, Pilot reservation system in limited number of site ― jan –Need of a strong participation of NRENs (GN2).
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), BAR Architecture Network 1Network 2Network 3
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Reservation Architecture Integration of network resource in a more complex architecture: –Essential to meet the applications requirements, –Convergence between the allocation and reservation architecture of the EGEE middleware and the reservation architecture developed by GN2, –Joint work of GN2 and EGEE. Status: –GN2 architecture is to be defined: Based on inter-domain SLAs, A still very manual prototype is foreseen due beginning of next year. –Preparatory work inside EGEE : Convergence to a common architecture, Consistency between the two architectures.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Conclusion Grids are only one user of network services (even if big and federated) among many other potential ones: –Special requirements for data transfer (lightpath?), –For other requirements (interactive messages and streams), need of a service to request from the network the use of services (shared with the other users). Good progress in terms of SLAs definitions: will the NRENs support our model? The operational interface is needed to build a reliable computing architecture (again very challenging), Further step remains towards the fulfilment of applications requirements in term of network resources, Good working relations with NRENs and GN2.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI TNC Poznan (PL), Thank you! General website: JRA4 website: SA2 website: