Method of Document Based Analysis to improve students techniques in Analyzing & Evaluating Primary & Secondary Historical Documents ORGIN-Who wrote/when etc PURPOSE –Why CONTENT-Makeup VALUE-Why Important LIMITATIONS-What’s missing
ADAPTABLE FOR USE IN ALL CONTENT AREAS/ ALL GRADE LEVELS Drawings / Paintings Cartoons Photographs Films/ Speeches /Interviews Short or Extended Excerpts Articles Diary Entries/Biographies
ORIGINS-Questions to ask oneself Who created? Who is the Author? When was it created? When was it published? Date of any additional add-ons Where was it published? How might the time, place, and author of this work affect the work produced?
PURPOSE Real Evaluation Begins Why does document exist? Why did the author create/draw or compose this piece of work? What is the author’s intent? Why did the author choose this format? Who is the intended audience? Is he/she trying to convince anyone of something? Is there a bias? This Doc. states …because it is supported by x evi dence
C ONTENT What does the Document say? What is the point or main idea of the Document? What symbols are used in the Documents? What exaggerations are made?
VALUE What value does this Document have as a piece of evidence? How is this source useful to your investigation? What can we tell about the author/time period from the piece? Under what circumstances was the piece created and how does the piece reflect those circumstances? Does the author represent a particular ‘side’ of a controversy or event? What can we tell about the author’s perspectives from the piece?
EX: VALUE ANALYSIS The journal entry was written by President Truman prior to the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan and demonstrates the moral dilemma he was having in making the decision of whether to drop the bomb or not. It shows that he was highly conflicted about the decision and very aware of the potential consequences both for diplomatic/military relations and for the health and welfare of the Japanese citizens.
LIMITATIONS At what point does this source cease to be of value to us as historians? What about this source hinders your investigation? Does this author only present part of the story? Is this a secondary source? If so, does the author deliver only part of the story? Is this a primary source? If so, what viewpoint does the author present? What is missing from his/her side of the story? What part of the story can we NOT tell from this document? What does the author leave out and why does he/she leave it out (if you know)? What is purposely not addressed? (Being Bias does not limit the value of the source)
Q UESTION WHEN LOOKING FOR B IAS ? What is the author's political point of view? Have facts been omitted? What does the author stand to gain? Who is paying for the website ? Does the author present alternate points of view? If so, are those views presented objectively, or with scorn? Does the author use glittering generalizations? Does the author rely on persuasive testimonials? What words create positive or negative impressions? Does the author use name-calling? Does the author use scare tactics?
Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe.” - Winston Churchill - March 5, 1946
Example 1 – Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech Origin - Speech, so it is a primary source - straight from the speaker’s mouth Given by Churchill (former Prime Minister of Great Britain) March 5, 1946 Purpose - Tell Americans that the US alliance is needed - didn't want to be all alone To bring attention to the idea of the "iron curtain" - making America know about this threat Value - Clear expectation of what Great Britain wants and their view during the Cold War Hearing from someone very important to Great Britain Real implications - primary source Limitations - Is this what the British Government really wants? We don't have the Soviet side of the argument What are his private thoughts about this topic?
II. Sample “OPVL” Paragraph The origin of this source is a journal that was written by _________ in ________ in _______. Its purpose was to _________________ so _________________. A value of this is that it gives the perspective of ________________________. However, a limitation is that __________, making ______________________.
IN COLLABORATIVE GROUPS With reference to Origin and Purpose, Evaluate the Value and Limitations of Sources B and D. Use Guiding handout questions to assist collaborative conversations Key: Remember-Ultimately as a group “ Evaluating”- Relevance, usefulness, and reliability of the source
E XAMPLE 2 W OODY G UTHRIE S ONG L YRICS “So Long, It’s Been Good to Know You” “Of the place that I lived on the wild windy plains In the month of April, county called Gray And here’s what all of the people there say: So long, it’s been good to know yuh; So long, it’s been good to know yuh; So long, it’s been good to know yuh. This dusty old dust is a-getting’ my home, And I got to be driftin’ along.” “A dust storm hit, an’ it hit like thunder; It dusted us over, an’ it covered us under; Blocked out the traffic and blocked out the sun, Straight for home all the people did run, Singin: Chorus
Example 2 – Woody Guthrie Song Lyrics Origin - Woody Guthrie Song, so it is a primary source - straight from the singer/songwriter’s mouth Pampa, Texas Purpose - Communicate the feelings & experiences of people who went through this natural disaster to others Process personal emotions associated with experience Value - Songwriter from Oklahoma Eyewitness account of Dust Bowl in Pampa, Texas Shows the “mood” and “tone” of the time period Real memories Limitations - One person’s perspective/account on the experience in Pampa Does not convey human memories/experiences from other areas that experienced Dust Storm conditions