TUTORIAL Welcome to Arts Integration as a Model of Rigorous Instruction module. This module provides an in-depth professional learning process to introduce arts learning and demonstrate how the arts connect and support Common Core State Standards.
Outcomes This module will address the following outcomes: Understand the connections among arts processes, Visual and Performing Arts Standards, and CCSS Construct and interpret art work that demonstrates understanding of foundational knowledge in the arts Identify and apply strategize for arts integration and performance based assessment
Outcomes, continued Teach, document, and share a unit of study that integrates the arts with ELA or Math Common Core standards Analyze the effectiveness of arts integration in student learning by using both summative and formative assessment models Determine arts resources that are available to teachers through technology, at school sites, and in the community
Content Outlines The Content Outlines provide specific content in the three areas: The content outlines are available under Downloads. The content outlines show what power point slides and videos should be included in the learning sequence
This module The module is organized in three major areas: Intro/Why Teach the Arts The Four C’s Visual and Performing Arts Strands Puppets There are 8 major sections of content that fall under these three major areas of content.
Overarching Themes The arts—dance, music, theatre and visual arts— can be used as text, just as a written text is used in Common Core. This may include paintings, drawings, sculpture, scenes and plays (both written and performances), dances, songs, etc. In fact, Common Core encourages teachers to use a variety of text types. Today, we will learn more about “close reading” of the arts.
Overarching Themes Arts products, like musical scores, monologues, portraits and choreography, can demonstrate what students have learned in other content areas. A dance can show what students have learned about the rotation of the planets (science standards) as well as what they have learned in dance (arts standards). Arts processes are closely aligned with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium model for performance task assessment.
Why Arts? The Handout on 10 Things You Should Know helps to bring to the forefront the importance of arts learning, both as discrete disciplines and as a means for interdisciplinary learning. Highlighting research will also help anchor the learning in the module. You will find this in the Arts Advocacy Handbook produced by Fresno County Office of Education. Why Arts?
Arts and Common Core Opportunities for Arts Integration with Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, K-12 Alameda County Office of Education California Office to Reform Education Fresno County Office of Education Check out this great resource! This resource, available under downloads, provides key content on arts integration and how the Common Core State Standards provide an excellent opportunity to provide interdisciplinary learning opportunities for our students.
Pecha Kucha - Common Core State Standards Pecha Kucha provides a quick overview of standards related information in a short amount of time. Check out the Pecha Kuch in the Downloads section. This style of presenting allows for quick sharing of key content in a unique presentation format.
Arts Approaches The Kennedy Center features these different approaches in arts education.Spending time on this diagram helps to discuss how arts integration differs from the other two approaches.
Arts Integration The next slide provides a common definition of Arts Integration. It will be important to build in time to present the definition so that participants understand how this translates into the classroom.
Power Point The Power Point Presentation Is Your Guide Refer to the Power point to plan your professional learning This might be broken up into several learning segments The activities scaffold ideas so that participants have a rich understanding of arts integration and Common Core State Standards
Customizable You may decide to configure the learning in different time blocks. We encourage you to find the information that is most useful for your context and use the information that best meet the needs of your learners. Customizable segments
Videos You will find several videos in the Downloads section These support the content in the Power Point. You will see where these videos best work in the sequence of the module.
Above and Beyond - Section 4 This video is helpful in reinforcing 21 st century skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
Martin’s Big Words –Section 5 Produced by a teacher working with the Kennedy Center, this video showcases the power of arts integration and how it can have a meaningful impact on students while bringing to life a time in history. You will find the video under Downloads.
Participant Engagement This module weaves participatory learning activities in a thoughtful progression to heighten engagement and understanding. Throughout the professional learning will be opportunities to reflect and make meaning of the activities. Participatory Learning
We hope the resources and handouts in this module provide a rich learning opportunity for your participants.