ASDA Get Involved Week Committee Presentations August 22, 2016
Wellness & Ethics Committee Why Join My Committee? *Health, fitness, how to stay “well” with stress, youtube channel *Leadership conferences nationwide *Specializing *Become an officer next year *Great on your resume
Events! September is Wellness Month! *Yoga on the grass *Ask me Anything Hike *Fitness Youtube Videos or fitness tips on social media *Ronald McDonald Healthy and Fun Bake *Smoothie Bar *Working with SPEA for ethics events
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Wellness & Ethics Committee How to become a committee member :) 1.Write a short letter of intent (paragraph) of what you would to contribute to Shadi at:
Social Committee
How to get involved: 1.Think of some awesome ideas 2.Write a letter of intent 3. it to Upcoming event: September 10 - Cuspid Cup
Social Media Committee Website Facebook Roseman ASDA and Roseman University CODM Pre-Dental Group Instagram rosemanasda Snapchat rosemanasda Youtube Roseman ASDA
Social Media Committee Helpful skills: Photoshop Edit Video Poster Design Manage Website with your NAME, CLASS, and LETTER OF
Social Media Committee #RUASDA
Community Outreach Committee Upcoming event: August 29, 4:30 p.m. - OHI at Tooele Boys & Girls Club Jessica Tseng
Newsletter Committee
Fundraising Committee
Legislative Committee This committee is dedicated to the advocacy and engagement in political issues that are crucial in the field of dentistry! Issues ASDA is fighting for ●Licensure ●Student Debt ●Mid-Level Providers How to get involved ●Host Legislators ●State Dental Lobby Day ●National Student Lobby Day
National Student Lobby Day
State Lobby Day
How to Get Involved Include: Name, Class, and Letter of Intent
Pre-Dental Committee ASDA Pre-Dental Week Community service Pre-dental mentorship Pre-dental newsletter Campus visits ASDA/ADEA pre-dental day Madison Kurz
Pre-Dental Committee
Oral Cancer Walk Committee
Historian Committee ●What do we do? ○Keeping accurate records of every ASDA activity ■Logs: # of attendants, venues, etc. ■Pictures ■Videos ●Purpose ○Following every footstep of Roseman ASDA ○Make next events better ○Leave a legacy and help the future lifelong colleagues
Historian Committee D1 Social D1 Social
Historian Committee D1 Social D1 Social
Historian Committee D1 Social D1 Social
Historian Committee ●By keeping accurate records of each event, the next year’s events can be planned better or different ●Benefits ○Free to attend most ASDA events ○Witness the development of ASDA ○Free selfies ●Questions? ○ me:
District and National ASDA
ASDA Trustee Presides over the the District Cabinet and Chapter Presidents Plans and executes the District 10 Meeting and the District 10 & 11 Leadership Advance Serve on the National ASDA Board of Trustees Make decisions for all 24,000 U.S. dental students Approve the annual budget - $3.3 million Appoint national leaders and award winners Work directly with the ADA and other dental organizations to effect change Eligible to serve on an ADA Council
District 10 Positions Communications Chair Newsletter Editor Fundraising Co-Chairs Predental Consultant Advanced Standing Consultant Outreach Chair District Meeting Planning Committee Legislative Co-Chairs Danielle Marciniak, District 10 Trustee, for more information.
District 10 Positions Communications Chair Newsletter Editor Fundraising Co-Chairs Predental Consultant Advanced Standing Consultant Outreach Chair District Meeting Planning Committee Legislative Co-Chairs Danielle Marciniak, District 10 Trustee, for more information.
National ASDA Positions Serve on a national Council (16-17 positions) Advocacy Sessions CommunicationsProfessional Issues Membership Write for the national Editorial Board (8 positions) Editor-in-ChiefElectronic Editor Contributing Editor Be an Extern (4 positions) Chicago Administrative Washington, D.C. Advocacy Applications are due in mid-December at
Get Involved! Stephanie Simmonett Oral Cancer Foundation Andy Suh Historian Lee MaiFundraising Co-Chair Vivi NguyenFundraising Co-Chair Shadi AfkhamiradWellness & Ethics Chair Tahsin AnwarNewsletter Editor Jessica TsengCommunity Outreach Kevin LinSocial Media Chair Jenni BrehoveSocial Chair Colin YoungLegislative Liaison Madison KurzPre-Dental Chair Danielle MarciniakDistrict and National ASDA
The End Follow Us! YouTube: Roseman ASDA Facebook: Roseman ASDA Website: