The Man. The Legend.
Artistic Unity is THE THING Appia was one of the first to look at each of the parts of a production (setting, lights, actors, and sound in this instance) and UNITE them.
Movement Light would change from moment-to- moment with the sound. Movement was no exception to this. He would have the actors strike poses based on these moment-to-moment changes.
NO to Two-Dimensions!!! Two-dimensional sets aren’t realistic enough. The actor is Three-dimensional, and so the set should be too! No! Aww, yeah.
Also, Three dimensionality enabled light and shadow to finally work together. Shade is as necessary as light in order to unify the work!
So, all this is… 3 Fundamental Elements to artistuc Unity: 1. Dynamic and three dimensional movement by actors. 2. Perpendicular Scenery 3. Depth and horizontal dynamics of the performance space.
What did Appia work on? Some of his most notable work was done on Wagner’s Ring Cycle. His decisions have influenced stagings of the Ring ever since. Even TODAY??
What a guy