2 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 2 Task 2.2: Electricity generation and emission trading in SEE Description of work: BSREC will undertake the task of preparing the workshop (rental of conference hall, catering, collection of presentations, proceedings). BSREC will also be responsible for inviting the national stakeholders (minimum 60 persons) and for providing the needed information (location, program, CV of speakers, list of participants, CD with the workshop material etc) to all participants. Since the dissemination of research results and the promotion of cooperation is one of the aims of the workshop post graduated students, researchers, academicians (University of Sofia, Technical University of Sofia, etc), technical and scientific staff and high level decision makers (Ministries of Energy and Energy Resources, Environment and Water, Transport and Communications, Regional Development and Public Works, Finance, State Energy Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Regulatory Agency, etc) and representatives of the national energy sector (NEK EAD, Petrol AD, Neftochim, Bulgargas, etc) will be invited. Main speakers will come from the consortium members, national authorities and energy companies, while one (1) EU expert on energy policy issues will also be invited to speak at the workshop.
3 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 3 TOPICS Electricity generation technologies Mechanisms of emission trading based on the Kyoto protocol Renewable energy sources and the use of biofuels Innovations in the CO2 capture and storage technologies Optimisation of the security of energy supply Protection of the natural environment Climate change observations and protection measures Projects for the establishment of an international energy and climate cooperation network
4 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 4 PARTICIPANTS Research institutions Academy Universities Industry – plants Ministries NGOs
5 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 5 Scientific Committee Prof. Dr. Jordan Jordanov – Gas and oil Prof. Dr. Nikola Kalojanov – Heating and cooling Prof. Dr. Boncho Bonchev – Termal power plants Prof. Dr. Dimitar Sirakov – Meteorology Prof. Dr. Ivan Ivanov – Climate and environment Prof. Dr. Lulin Radulov – Power systems
6 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 6 Submission of Abstracts Deadline for the submission of the abstracts: Revision by the scientific committee until Submission of the presentations: The program will include between 10 and 20 presentations, all followed by discussions and also a general discussion, that will be pointed on the establishment of an international cooperation network, that will provide secure and sustainable development of the energy sector.
7 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 7 ORGANISATION The program will be composed between and List of potential participants: Invitations: mid July
8 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 8 PROCEEEDINGS Papers presented during the workshop will be reviewed for publication in the scientific journal “Euro – Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Policy” It is also planed a book with publications, that will include all the presentations and the conclusions of all discussions made during the workshop
9 20 April 2007ISTANBUL 9 PUBLICATIONS The submission of the full papers will happen until The publications will be arranged until