The Center for the Understanding of Origins Kansas State University Iris M. Totten
Why create a Center in Kansas? Pulse Research conducted a statewide survey in 2005: Random telephone survey 800 phone interviews Completed between Sept. 30- Oct. 5, 2005 Calls were spread across each of the 10 Kansas State Board of Education Districts No incentives were offered to participate
“ Should intelligent design be taught in schools? ”
Do you feel that evolution should be taught in schools? Do you feel that intelligent design should be taught in schools? Do you know what intelligent design? Is it possible to believe in both God and evolution? Will the school board’s decision influence how you vote in the next state school board election?
Survey responses based on Gender
The Need for the Center
The Need for the Center
An Interdisciplinary Center, Participating Departments include: ・ Biology ・ English ・ Entomology ・ Geology ・ History ・ Philosophy ・ Physics ・ Biology ・ English ・ Entomology ・ Geology ・ History ・ Philosophy ・ Physics An Interdisciplinary Center, Participating Departments include: ・ Biology ・ English ・ Entomology ・ Geology ・ History ・ Philosophy ・ Physics ・ Biology ・ English ・ Entomology ・ Geology ・ History ・ Philosophy ・ Physics
The Center for the Understanding of Origins: an interdisciplinary Center at Kansas State University established in the year 2004 overarching goals: (1)to enhance scholarship and research in the physical and biological origins of life on earth; (2) to establish a vehicle for true interdisciplinary research among scientists and humanists at KSU; and (3) to improve upon education and outreach efforts aimed at increasing the public ’ s understanding of biological and physical evolution both on campus and throughout the state.
Center Funding 150k received over 3 years original grant in 2004 through the internal KSU Targeted Excellence Program A renewal grant in 2005 received for 456k through the KSU Targeted Excellence Grant. Funds are used for the following: New faculty hires in Geology, Philosophy, and History Research assistant/post doctoral support in Cosmology, Biology, Entomology, English, Development of a new UGE “Origins” course Major public events Visiting Speaker series
Speaker Series The Center sponsors both academic and public speakers, Dr. John Haught- Landegger Distinguished Professor of Theology at Georgetown University"God After Darwin: Evolution and Divine Providence ” Dr. M. Pigliucci- Professor Massimo Pigliucci, Dept. of Ecology & Evolution, SUNY Stony Brook, NY "Evolution: is it a logical fallacy? ” Dr. Craig Nelson Professor of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana “ Effective Strategies for Teaching Evolution and Other Controversial Issues. ” Dr. Michael Ruse-Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Program in History and Philosophy of Science at Florida State University.
Origins UGE Course 1.Fall 2005, we piloted a 300-level UGE course entitled “Origins: Humanity, Life, and the Universe.” 2.Course included a ten-week cosmology, geology, biology interspersed with philosophy, and English 3.21 students enrolled 4.Received positive student feedback regarding the impact of the course 5.Course scheduled every Fall semester
Origins Graduate Certificate Program -A graduate certificate in the Science, Philosophy, and History of Origins administered by the Philosophy Department -It is a prime tool to bridge the gap between the two cultures of science and humanities -12-hours of graduate courses in the participating departments -The certificate has the potential to become the basis for a History and Philosophy of Science graduate degree.
Summary -The Center serves a critical role in states like Kansas where the evolution issue is powerful. -Incorporating interdisciplinary general education courses for students is a great way to educate the masses on the ID/Evolution controversy.