Training Name: CLINICAL PHARMACY FROM BOOKS TO IMPLEMENTATION Module1: 1. Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Patient-Centered Approach to Medication Management Services, 3e Robert J. Cipolle, Linda M. Strand, Peter C. Morley Module 2: Internal Medicine: A Guide to Clinical Therapeutics FOR BACKGROUND 1.Pathophysiology Cases: Author(s): Stephen J. McPhee, MD, Gary D. Hammer, MD, PhD 2.Pharmacotherapy Casebook and Care Plans Author(s): Terry L. Schwinghammer, PharmD, FCCP, FASHP, FAPhA, BCPS, Julia M. Koehler, PharmD, FCCP, Jill S. Borchert, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, Douglas Slain, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FASHP 3.Virtual cases Module 3: 1.Drug Information, Drug Literature Evaluation and PROFESSIONAL WRITING: Drug InformationDrug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 5eA Guide for Pharmacists 2.Electronic health record (EHR), or electronic medical record (EMR) 3.Reading the Medical Literature: Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4e 4.Clinical trials based on medrio/ castor
Module 4 Leading Healthcare Quality and Safety Module 1: Overview of Healthcare Quality Improvement Module 2: Evidence for Improvement Work: Literature, Internet & More Module 3: Interprofessional Teams for Improvement Work Module 5: Targeting Your Aim from Global to Specific Module 7: Data, Variation and Control Charts Module 9: Implementing and Spreading Change: The Power of the Model for Improvement IHI TOOLS: Improvement of healthcare Workshops: -Medrio software -data entry EMR software -Castor software -UPWORK AND FREALANCER
Problem-based learning (PBL) and team-based learning (TBL) PHARMACOTHERAPY Target: Students should understand that it is imperative to provide more than just drug information, which is readily obtained in today’s world from smartphones, computers, and other references. They must be able to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information and apply their knowledge to prevent and resolve drug- related problems. As clinicians, they will be required to call upon previous experiences with similar situations, ask appropriate questions, integrate information, and develop action plans.
Standards of professional practice Target: The need to learn medication management services results from more complex therapies, increase in the number of medications prescribed and the cost of new medications, so you need to master a structured, systematic decision making process for drug selection and dosing.. Health informatics in clinical pharmacy Target: Leadership and career opportunities exist in a variety of settings for medication information specialists, so a Medication information specialist must keep abreast of advances in information technology. Also Medication literature evaluation skills are essential.
Leading Healthcare Quality and Safety Target: you will learn about the importance of quality in healthcare and how you can contribute by implementing a quality improvement (QI) project to improve processes of care and patient outcomes. You will learn about powerful tools to learn and apply apply these tools to the implementation of a QI project in your own practice setting or an area of personal improvement. At the completion of the module, you will have a storyboard that captures your QI project success to share with others. The QI project will be considered within the context of interprofessional teams and from a systems perspective. The objective of this module is to empower you, the working healthcare professional, to improve your knowledge and skills in the science of quality improvement so that you can take action in your own clinical setting to improve the quality of care for your patients and their families. Health care software systems Hands on training on 2 software systems that will make you professional and creative in your healthcare institution