1 SOLAR POWER GENERATION MOUNTING SELECTION AND SPACING Jonathan Carr Power Generation Team November 16, 2016
2 Solar Path at Albert Island Due to the high latitude in Ottawa, the sun only reaches a maximum elevation of 21.5º above the horizon during the winter solstice
3 Choosing Mounting Panel
4 Economical Choice for Mounts Radiation Sum (kWh/m2) Percent Radiation Above Fixed (%) Mount Cost Per W ($) Percent Cost Above Fixed (%) Fixed Yearly Fixed Adjustable Axis Yearly Axis Adjustable Axis Note: Fixed adjustable would be set to optimal tilts of 25º in the summer (April- September) and 60º in the winter (October-March)
5 Row Spacing [2]
6 Solar farm diagram Maximum rooftop capacity of 324 panels at 325 watts each = kW nominal Future considerations include; heat cogeneration to cool panels (Conner Sutherland), connecting to DC micro grid (Francois Laforest), green roof integration and battery storage Month Monthly Energy ( kWh ) January 7,046 February 9,917 March 11,359 April 13,161 May 14,841 June 15,135 July 15,481 August 13,046 September 10,864 October 7,540 November 4,914 December 6,315 Annual 129,619
7 References [1] Google Docs, 'Zibi Design Project Statement of Requirements', [Online]. Available: 0TGDo0pLqoJr5AhfU/edit?pli=1. [Accessed: 10 November 2016]. [2] G. Masters, Renewable and efficient electric power systems. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & [3] "PVWATTS: Changing System Parameters", Rredc.nrel.gov. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10 November 2016]. [4] “Types Of Mounting Systems,” Sedona Solar Technology. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10 November 2016].
8 Questions or Comments? [4]