Volleyball 6/12/151
HISTORY Volleyball originated in the United States in 1895 as a blend of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. Today, volleyball has spread to 211 countries around the world and is recognized as a truly international, widely played, popular sport. In 1896, the first official game of volleyball was played at Springfield College. In the year 1900, volleyball was popular enough that a new ball was customized for the sport. 6/12/152
VOLLEYBALL EQUIPMENT Volleyball Net Court Knee Pads 6/12/153
HOW TO PLAY Regulation teams are comprised of 6 players. Game begins with one team serving from behind the end line in the back right corner. Game is played to 25 points, and a team must win by 2. Each serve is awarded a point. A ball landing on the line is in. Maximum number of hits on one side is 3, a player can not hit the ball 2 times consecutively. Winner must win 2 out of 3 games. 6/12/154
VOLLEYBALL SAFETY Players should wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing. Players should be aware of their court spacing, specifically with other teammates. Play area must be free of debris, especially water/sweat spills. Proper communication should be practiced. For example, players call out offensive and defensive strategies. 6/12/155
ROTATION Players move clockwise from position to position. 6/12/157
UNDERHAND SERVE A serve in which the ball is held waist high and then struck with the opposite closed fist in an "underhand pitching" motion while stepping forward 6/12/158 UNDERHAND SERVE Serving rules Stay behind the serving line The ball can hit the net and go over The ball can not hit the ceiling and go over When serving a teammate can not help the ball clear the net
OVERHAND SERVE A serve done by tossing the ball above the head and striking it with the hand above the shoulder 6/12/159 OVERHAND SERVE Cues: 1. Step forward with foot opposite of striking hand. 2. Toss ball 3-4 feet high. 3. Strike with open hand. 4. Follow through with striking hand and transfer weight.
Ready Position Weight is equally distributed on the balls of the feet. Maintain feet shoulder width apart. Keep knees slightly bent. Arms are slightly bent and in front of the body. Keep the head up and eyes on the ball. 6/12/1510
SERVE RECEIVE Is the “ready position” for the team receiving the serve 6/12/1511
SETTING/OVERHEAD PASS A type of pass in which the ball is contacted with the fingertips above the shoulders in a forward and upward motion 6/12/1512 SETTING VIDEO
FOREARM/BUMP PASS A pass with both arms together where the ball makes contacts with your forearm. It is important to bend knees to generate power from the legs 6/12/1513 FOREARM/BUMP VIDEO
FOOT FAULT Stepping onto the serving line while serving the ball, resulting in losing possession of the ball an adding a point to the opponents’ score 6/12/1514