DEVRY CARD 405 W EEK 7 P ORTFOLIO F INAL Check this A+ tutorial guideline at portfolio-final For more classes visit CARD 405 Week 7 Portfolio Final Based on feedback from the draft version of your portfolio, make any changes you feel are appropriate and submit them to the Dropbox. For information on content, please see the Week 2 Assignments page.
The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Doc Sharing. Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. The grading rubric is also available below: Criteria that Submitted Assignment Meets Total Points Possible for Assignment All required content is present, the portfolio is logically organized and very visually appealing.Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors Most required content is present, portfolio is logically organized and visually appealing. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors Some required content is present, the portfolio is logically organized and visually appealing.Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors Little required content is present; poorly organized; little visual appeal. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.