UOP MGT 567 W EEK 6 I NDIVIDUAL A SSIGNMENT P LANNING AND E VALUATING S OCIAL I NITIATIVES P APER Check this A+ tutorial guideline at initiatives-paper For more classes visit Resource: University of Phoenix Material:Social Initiatives Implementation Plan Template; University Material:Social Initiatives WorksheetUse the information developed by the team in Week Five regarding the recommended approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for ABC Company.Develop an implementation plan of no more than 1,050 words including actions, persons responsible, and timelines for the selected initiatives. Use the Social Initiatives Worksheet to identify one to three social initiatives and outline key points and action steps. Complete the Social Initiatives Implementation Plan using the template provided. Required elements of the project are included in the template in red. Insert your information in the appropriate places, deleting the red instructions prior to submitting the final Implementation Plan. Be sure to include the following as noted on the template:What social initiative(s) should ABC Company embark on to support its organizational values and model of CSR?Of the initiative(s) selected, what aspect(s) would be most appropriate to evaluate and why? What are the goals for those initiatives?What actions need to be taken to implement the initiatives? Who is responsible? What is the timing?
Who are the internal and external stakeholders and what effect does the specific initiative have on them?How will the initiatives’ success be measured? By what methods? What resources will be necessary?Create tools to evaluate the results of the social initiatives. Consider surveys, interviews, focus groups, and so forth.Provide a sample in the appendix section of your paper of at least one tool you will use to measure the success of an initiative.Describe how that tool will be used and the resources that will be necessary to use the tool.Discuss how results will be evaluated and recommendations made based on those results.Cite at least five references in your paper.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines