DEVRY PROJ 410 W EEK 3 DQ 2 Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit


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Presentation transcript:

DEVRY PROJ 410 W EEK 3 DQ 2 Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit It is very common to find buyers who fail to identify the RFP evaluation criteria during the project procurement planning process, and in fact, do not define the evaluation criteria until after proposals have been received and the evaluation process is set to begin. What do you think is the risk of waiting until bids have been received to establish the evaluation criteria to be used to select a preferred contractor? Besides evaluating the risk of waiting until bids are submitted, also consider the question from the potential vendors' point of view. Should vendors be aware of the evaluation criteria during the procurement phase, or after they have submitted their proposals/bids?

Finding buyers that fail to identify the RFP evaluation criteria during the project procurement planning process would hurt schedule and scope. Besides, if you get the proposals and read them before you create evaluation criteria, you run the risk of consciously or subconsciously creating evaluation criteria based on what you've read which could create a bias towards one of the proposals. Finally, without having your criteria set ahead of time, there is a high risk of setting yourself up with a bias opinion on proposals and not having an even playing field for others that come in. Qualifications are important, but so are the fees. So many companies are focused on savings, how could you not consider fees as much as qualifications? Give an example when you had a bad experience in choosing the lowest-priced contractor or vendor, if ever you experienced one. Price is one of the main evaluation criteria in most proposals. But from your experiences or from the knowledge you've gained from this week's lecture, what are some other criteria that customers use to evaluate various proposals? Please pick one of them and elaborate on it. If you can add other criteria, that will be also great. List five commonly used evaluation criteria listed in a RFP and explain why a buyer would want this information before selecting a vendor? Three commonly used evaluation criteria listed in a RFP are overall cost or financial proposal, reputation, and experience. What can the buyer glean from this information and how can the buyer use it to make a decision on a particular seller? Do you feel a seller would have the right to protest a bid selection if he/she feels that the lack of information regarding the buyer’s evaluation criteria contributed to the seller’s proposal being non-responsive?