Any person dealing with a criminal charge has to decide what to do about it. Besides the fright and concern of getting arrested, the whole experience is extremely demanding. The effects consist of severe fines, keep aside the unpleasantness included. New Jersey Legal Help criminal attorney Matthew Reisig is appearing efficiently in New Jersey courts ever since 1975 in many noteworthy issues related to bad checks. If you have been accused of bad checks in NJ then indeed your future is at risk. With that said, there are problems which mainly a highly skilled bad check legal professional can pinpoint to take care of your independence. Passing bad checks is a criminal offense in New Jersey and should never be taken casually. If you've given a check knowing it won't be honoured by the drawee bank then you're responsible of a bad check conviction. As it is thought that you were conscious of your check not being honoured, meant that there have been either inadequate funds in your account or you didn't have any account with the bank in any way. The charges then would be in proportion to the worth of the check given. Also, apart from legal punishment, a company might consider monetary lying as a bar to additional employment. This makes it even more necessary to have the most effective defence attorney accessible to prevent conviction.New Jersey Legal Help
What Differences Are There Between A 2nd & 3rd Degree Bad Check Charge In New Jersey? Any bad check accusation in New Jersey bears a charge like stealing related crimes. The penalty is linked with the amount meant to be embezzled, with sentence ranging from average to severe. For instance, a bad check value cashed of less than Two hundred dollars, you have to deal with a disorderly person accusation that gets a jail term of six months and also a fine of 1000 dollars. In case these checks were above 200 dollars to as much as One thousand dollars, then the imprisonment sentence holds a potential term of 1. 5 years and a fine of 10,000 dollars, and is considered a 4th degree offense. In case the bad check conviction is in between 1,000 to 75,000 dollars, the sentence is five-years and also a 150,000 dollar fine. This is a third degree offense. Amounts going above 75,000 dollars, are regarded as a 2nd degree criminal offense and land you in jail for A decade and comprise a 150,000 dollar fine also, as well as restitution and other expenses. If you or any member of the family is arrested with a bad check issuance, then speak to attorney Matthew Reisig, that has assisted individuals in the same cases. Not just will he defend your constitutional rights, but he'll try to get the bad checks fees laid off.
Reisig Criminal Defense & DWI Law, LLC 125 Half Mile Road Suite 200 Red Bank, NJ (732)