ASH EDU 671 Week 2 DQ 1 The Literature Review Debate NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at literature-review-debate For more classes visit In Chapter 3 of Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, the debate over the role of the literature process is discussed. Mills (2014) remarks, Some researchers have argued that reviewing the literature curtails inductive analysis—using induction to determine the direction of the research—and should be avoided at the early stages of the research process. Others suggest that the review of related literature is important early in the action research process because it helps action researchers identify underlying assumptions behind their research questions and helps the researcher refine research questions and embed them in guiding hypotheses that provide possible direction to follow (p.74). At this early stage of action research as you prepare to search for credible sources of information to help you build an action research proposal, discuss which viewpoint on these two perspectives you lean toward and why. How do you intend to use what you learned concerning best practices for research from the chapter and the web-based resources to help you search effectively and efficiently? Guided Response: When reading your peers’ responses to the question, identify a peer who has responded with a perspective that is different from your own. Now, instead of countering their analysis, attempt to support it. Then, find someone who agrees with your point of view and challenge his/her perspective. *It is expected you follow up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.