ASH ECE 405 W EEK 2 DQ 1 R ACE I LLUSION VS. R EALITY Check this A+ tutorial guideline at


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Presentation transcript:

ASH ECE 405 W EEK 2 DQ 1 R ACE I LLUSION VS. R EALITY Check this A+ tutorial guideline at vs-reality Review the seven “propositions” including the accompanying videos on “Understanding the Influence of Race” ( From these links and videos, you will learn that much of what we hold to be true about race is a social construction, which has little connection to human biology. Unfortunately this means children of different races may face stereotypes based on the way they look or speak. As an early childhood educator, you will be in a unique position to make an impact on children of all racial backgrounds. Refer to the information provided in the links as you consider the scenario below: How would you address a child who seems to exhibit prejudic For more classes visit