ASH ESE 633 W EEK 3 DQ 2 C OLLABORATIVE C ONSULTATION M ODEL Check this A+ tutorial guideline at


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Presentation transcript:

ASH ESE 633 W EEK 3 DQ 2 C OLLABORATIVE C ONSULTATION M ODEL Check this A+ tutorial guideline at collaborative-consultation-model This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the objectives; analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; analyze the value of collaborative consultation as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; and analyze the range of placements and services offered to students who have a disability. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1 & 4 and Program Learning Outcome 8 and reinforces your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

Hallahan, Kauffman, and Pullen (2012) definecollaborative consultation as when "...the special education teacher or psychologist acts as an expert who provides advice to the general education teacher," (p. 37). The key to the success of this model is “collaboration” of the general education teacher’s content knowledge and the special educator’s curriculum delivery expertise. The special educator’s role is to provide strategies to the general educator, outside of class time, on curriculum accommodations, meeting and documenting the IEP goals, and review student progress for those who have an identified disability (Why Co-Teaching and Collaborative Consultation, 2008). The special educator and general educator must acknowledge their individual and team value in providing an equal contribution in the student’s education, recognize personal areas of strength and weakness, and share an open line of communication and honesty (Facilitating Collaborative Consultation, 2009). Additional explanations for the purpose and roles involved in the Collaborative Consultation model visit Inclusion in the Secondary Classroom (Collaborative Consultation, n.d.). Initial Post - Either choose the prompt to explain the difference between the collaborative consultation model and the co-teaching model, or the prompt to weigh the pros and cons of each teaching model. Explain how the collaborative consultation model is different than the co-teaching model of inclusive education including its strengths and weakness in providing equal education to all students within the general education classroom. Be sure to cite at least two outside sources not included in this week’s required or recommended reading. Your goal is to remain unbiased while presenting the facts to your peers. Compare and contrast the pros and the cons of collaborative consultation model with the co- teaching model of inclusive education making sure to cite at least two outside sources not included in this week’s required or recommended reading. Your goal is to remain unbiased while presenting the facts to your peers. For more classes visit