Supervising Outdoor Play Supervising Outdoor Play Outdoor – location & setting Play _ how children learn Outdoor Play - tool of learning * Why do you take small children outdoor?
Benefits of outdoor play to young children -need plenty of space -to master heights & over come fear -to move freely -need to play with one another without conflict -fewer restrictions Indoor- fights may rise when too many share too little space
Fresh Air & Sunshine - fresh air, sunshine & exercise increase children’s alertness & leads to good health. -use muscles, tensions are eased & body works more efficiently. The Chance to Express Feelings and Relax - to ease tensions -to delight & satisfy
The Chance for Child Initiated Activities - encourage child-initiated & unstructured activities Child-initiated Activities – begins by themselves -learn to make decisions & to manage time & resources. -begin sth on their own, they become involved & their attention span is lengthened.
Unstructured Activities – not organized or directed by teacher. - the environment alone suggests the play them -balance between structured and unstructured act : is desirable Enough Time – gives them enough time to finish