Constructivism is a theory based on observation and scientific study about how people learn. It is a teaching philosophy based on the concept that learning (cognition) is the result of 'mental construction' - students construct their own understanding by reflecting on their personal experiences, and by relating the new knowledge with what they already know. Each student creates his or her own 'schemas' or mental-models to make sense of the world, and accommodates the new knowledge (learns) by adjusting them. One of its main principles is that learning is search for meaning, therefore, to be effective, a teacher must help the student in discovering his or her own meaning.
A theory that learners must individually discover information, check it against old information (prior knowledge) and revise and transform rules and knowledge as needed (adaptation). A view of learning which suggest that students can develop their own understanding through active participation.
John Dewey John Dewey ( father of progressive education. - Education depends on experience. Jean Piajet Jean Piajet - We learn best when we experience disequilibrium. Lev Vygotsky Lev Vygotsky - Learning is a social process, learning from others is advantageous.
Exogenous Constructivism: Exogenous Constructivism: reconstruction of pre- existing ideas. Endogenous Constructivism Endogenous Constructivism : New abstract knowledge developing through cognitive activity based on predictable sequences. Dialectical Constructivism: Dialectical Constructivism: Source of knowledge is based on social interactions between learners and environments.
It takes time to learn Learning is an active process in which the learners uses sensory input and construct meaning out of it through a mental process. People learn to learn as they learn
One needs knowledge to learn Teacher seek and value their students point of view Classroom activities challenge students supposition Teachers pose problems of emerging relevance Teachers assess student learning in the context of daily teaching Learning is a social activity and involves language Motivation is a key concept in learning
Teachers seek and value their students’ points of view. Classroom activities challenges students’ suppositions. Teacher pose problems of emerging relevance. Teachers build lessons around primary concepts and big ideas. Teachers assess student learning in the context of daily teaching.
-Encourage and support student creativity and independence -Try to use raw data and primary sources in addition to manipulatives, interactive and physical materials. -Create an environment where students are able to think and problem solve -Use coaching and supporting to build students understanding.
-Plan tasks using procedures such as classifying, analyzing, predicting and creating -Encourage communication between the teacher and the students -Encourage student critical thinking and inquiry by asking them thoughtful, open-ended questions and encourage them to ask questions to each other. -Provide enough time for students to make their own meaning when learning something new.
Many lesson are Bottom-Up oriented (starting with a detailed skill or fact and then building up to the big picture, application or relevance. Constructivist classrooms are Top-Down. A teacher might present a challenge or problem first, have student think of solutions then give the answer or details.
Planning for instruction - prior knowledge and experience - students’ motivation, interest, needs and learning styles. The student ‘construct’ their own meaning from experience. Student – centered learning aids in higher achievement and motivation. Learning is meaningful, relevant and it builds on prior knowledge. Critical and divergent thinking is valued and not necessarily based on correct answers.
There should be a reliable communication between teacher and students. Teacher should behave consistently Teacher and student should establish the rules of the classroom together Teacher and students should find solutions to the problems in
Piaget, Bruner, Dewey and Vygotsky In conclusion, Constructivist’s perspectives on learning and teaching, which are increasingly influential today, are grounded in the research of Piaget, Bruner, Dewey and Vygotsky. Constructivist believe that students should not be given stripped down, simplified problems and basic skill drills but instead should deal with complex situations and challenging structured problems. The primary goal of constructivism is help students develop a deeper understanding of content and to develop critical thinking skills.
"What Is Constructivism? Definition And Meaning". N.p., "The Inductive Model: Constructivist Learning. The Inductive Model Is Often Called Guided Discovery And Is Grounded In The Principles Of Constructivism. - Ppt Download". N.p., 2017.