PPA 403 Week 3 DQ 2 Rulemaking in Practice Check this A+ tutorial guideline at Week-3-DQ-2-Rulemaking-in-Practice Investigate and report on the rulemaking process for a government agency in your state. To get started, select a state agency (for example, one could look at the website for the Arizona Department of Health Services. You can access agency websites through a simple Google search or through your state government webpage). Then, search rulemaking or rules to find out about their process. As we know from the Federal Register activity in Week 1, publishing information online is an important means through which public agencies inform citizens of their activities. After you find state agency rulemaking information, tell us the agency, program and issue. Then address the following questions: What is the process followed? How much information is provided? Is public participation incorporated into the process? If so, how? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. For more classes visit