Divine Manifestations
Divine Manifestations The Promised Messiah (as) wrote this book in March of 1906, but was published in 1922. In this book, the Promised Messiah (as) writes about five future earthquakes that are to happen, according to the revelation “چمک دکھلاؤں گا تم کواس نشان کی پنج بار” [I will show a glimpse of this sign five times]. He also writes about the reasons for the signs of wrath from Allah Almighty.
Divine Manifestations The Promised Messiah (as) states that, as mentioned in the revelation, Allah Almighty will manifest His glory through these earthquakes. These earthquakes will not be ordinary earthquakes, but there will be many deaths due to them. If this sign of wrath will be of an ordinary level, then you may understand that I am not from God. The manifestations of these signs will cause destruction in the world.
Divine Manifestations All this will be done by God so that my truthfulness may be manifested. After these signs, there will be a change in the world and most of the hearts will be pulled towards God, and the people’s love of the world will subside. The Promised Messiah (as) states in regards to one Persian revelation that Allah Almighty will give me kingship (this kingship does not refer to worldly kingship, but heavenly kingship).
Divine Manifestations And, those who only appear to be Muslims will begin to be true Muslims as, as of now, four hundred thousand people have repented for their sins and transgressions at my hand. A community of Hindus and the English have also accepted me. Only yesterday a Hindu accepted Islam who I named as Muhammad Iqbal.
Divine Manifestations Now, it is the will of God Almighty that Allah Almighty wants the name of Islam to spread through me. In regards to this, the Promised Messiah (as) has written a number of revelations, from which the conduct of love of Allah Almighty with him (as) can be seen.
Divine Manifestations The Promised Messiah (as) states that these signs that God have revealed for me, some foolish people try to compete with me, as in the time of Moses (as) when some foolish people gathered to compete against him. But, Allah Almighty states that all those people who will stand up against me will be humiliated and disgraced.
Divine Manifestations The Promised Messiah (as) states that after these signs of wrath, the mercy of Allah Almighty will again come into action, for people should not think that God is only the Subduer and not Merciful, and people should not declare the Messiah to be wretched and accursed.
Divine Manifestations Then the Promised Messiah (as) mentions some of his previous revelations, from which one was in regards to an earthquake and was published in the paper of April 14, 1905. Then, after one year, that sign was fulfilled with vigour. The Promised Messiah (as) states that we should repent and seek forgiveness and create an extraordinary change within ourselves, so that we may protect ourselves from this punishment.
Divine Manifestations The Promised Messiah (as) states regarding the prophecies relating to those that are promises and those that are in regards to punishments, that the prophecies of God that are “wa‘da” [promised], they certainly come to manifestation and cannot be stopped. Prophecies that relate to “wa‘eed” are those that have a condition of repentance, as the nation of Hadrat Yunus (as) were given a “wa‘eed”, and the people repented and sought forgiveness and thus averted the punishment themselves.
Divine Manifestations In the same way, in this era, God also prophesized about Abdullah Atham and this prophecy was also with the condition of repentance. Thus, on May 15 he did not die because he repented and did not speak against Islam. Therefore, regarding the earthquakes, Allah Almighty has promised that this will certainly happen, however he who repents and seeks forgiveness will be saved from it.
Divine Manifestations In the end of the book the Promised Messiah (as) states in regards to the context of the word “nabi” [prophet] and the continuation of prophethood in Islam, that a person with whom Allah Almighty abundantly speaks with and address is called a “nabi” [prophet].
Divine Manifestations Amongst the nation of Muhammad (sa), no prophet can come who is to bring a new Sharia [law], nevertheless prophethood, which is a mercy, can be granted by Allah by completely following our beloved Master, the Holy Prophet (sa). The Promised Messiah (as) states that even if my deeds were as high as the mountains, even then I would not have attained such dialog and discourse with God. This favour was granted only and only by following the Holy Prophet (sa).
Divine Manifestations The End