Supervisor: DR. PERGELINE S. CABAHUG Prepared By Abeer Alghamdi Fatimah Alkhebari Raedah Alshahrani
OutLine Introduction. Identification the process of educating nurse. Description the Nursing Education of past, present and future. Knowing Types of educational program Summary and Conclusion of lecture. References.
Objectives At the end of this lecture the student will be able to : Identify The process of educating nurse. Develop the understanding of the differences of various of nursing education. List Types of educational program. Summary References
Introduction Nursing education promote awareness of diversity. Encourage shared understanding of various pathway that exist within nursing education, promote community among nursing students and nurse educator.
Definition the process of educating nurse The Process of educating nurse is how to past has shaped its present and how current time are influencing and delineating its future.
Nursing Education program from the Past Until Present Practical Nurse : ( 1900s –present ) The present practical nurse is often a hybrid’s.Today practical nursing student is being a taught basic skills during the educational program. Nightingale schools : (1900s-present ) [Diploma School ] The student nurse will learn the hospital routine gradually on the ward, then more and more until each student would be responsible for her own patient.
Practical Nurse
Graduate Education When 1 turns to the other he( sic ) find a distinct possibility that a fresh and conspicuously enlarged contribution may soon come from many more nurses who find places of great social and professional usefulness in consultation, planning,research,writing and promotion of health services.
Master’s Degree The Educating nurse that granted nurse’s master degree. Many of nurses who had preparation beyond basic nursing education had post graduate education. If the Nurses wanted to obtain a master degree rather than postgraduate education, they had seek an advanced degree in another field such as : sociology or psychology
Doctoral in nursing Doctoral Education program originally prepared nurses for administrative and teaching roles. The Doctoral programs in nursing dramatically increased and offered nurses the opportunity to conduct research also develop theory within their own discipline.
Types of educational program All Program require the clinical experience to gain certain knowledge and skills.. Diploma School :Hospital –based Were 3year program for hospital position. LPN / LVN : (Technical Nurse ) 9-12month program in hospitals,vocational /trade school for hospitals nsg home OR homecare.
Cont…, AND : (Associate degree in nursing )(Technical Nurse ) 2year program in community collages for hospital OR in-patient. BSN : (Bachelor’s of science in nursing )4-5years in universities and collages for in-patient and community.
Cont.., Ladder/Articulation : allows nurses to upgrade their education level to another with ease and without loos of credits from previous ed. [ LVN ADN, LVN BSN ] Master’s & Doctoral : MSN specialist ( ) area of study. PHD – generalist but a higher level than BSN. Educational for advanced Practice : Expanded role for nurses who obtain certification.
Conclusion The nursing education will match the health care needs with society with educational preparation of nurses. Nursing students of today are beneficiaries of a long history in nursing education that has been characterized by sustained emphasis on advocacy for ensuring they are prepared for nursing practice.
References : Book – Nursing Education : Past, Present,Future …by Martha Scheckel PhD, RN