CRJ 301 Week 2 DQ 2 Rights of Juveniles New Read either the case study at the beginning of Chapter 5 about the “Juveniles at the Plaza” or the case study.


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Presentation transcript:

CRJ 301 Week 2 DQ 2 Rights of Juveniles New Read either the case study at the beginning of Chapter 5 about the “Juveniles at the Plaza” or the case study about drug searches in schools. Both of these cases deal with the legal rights of juveniles and interpretations of law by the U.S. Supreme Court. Review the Bill of Rights, which are the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and identify the rights addressed in one of the case studies. How is the right adjusted to accommodate for juveniles? Why do juveniles have a modified right compared to adults? How do these modifications change the roles and priorities of police when dealing with juveniles? Should social justice concepts of dealing with juveniles take precedence over criminal justice? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at Rights-of-Juveniles-New For more classes visit