Ash BUS 434 Week 4 Quiz 1. The National Association of Suggestion Systems claims that a dollar spent in rewarding suggestions will return ______ dollars in improved operations to the organization. 2. The size of a bonus received by an operating manager will quite often be determined by all but which one of the following criteria? 3. Which of the following statements is least descriptive of why many suggestion plans have failed? 4. Which one of the following is not a benefit to the employer when offering an ESOP? 5. In contrast to compensation systems in the private sector, those for government employees are less likely to include use of 6. Which one of the following statements is not true regarding a defined contribution plan? 7. Which of the following is not true about a well-designed incentive scheme? 8. All but which one of the following theories are included within content theories of motivation? 9. Employees of the federal government are eligible for 10. Which section of the Internal Revenue Code defines rights and opportunities for long-term compensation programs? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at Week-4-Quiz For more classes visit